And they brought the young man alive and were not a little comforted.

Young men and the Church

I. Young men need to be brought to life.

1. “Ye must be born again” applies to them as to all.

2. Yet, of all men, the young are most apt to overlook this necessity. For what is more suggestive of vigorous life than a young man? He is alive all over--thoughts, affections, physical energies.

3. All this, however, may be dead to God and righteousness, and be dead to his true interests, his high duties, and his immortal destiny.

4. There is but one method by which young or old can be brought to life--union with Christ through faith. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life,” etc.

II. Young men when brought to life should be all alive. Spiritual life should quicken and animate all their powers for God. This effect is not invariably seen. Many of our young people are not fully consecrated. We miss in the Church the “go” which is so palpable in the world. This may arise from the discouraging way in which they are received by the Church. It is strange but true that in too many communities the young are looked upon with suspicion, and their new enthusiasm thus receives an early chill. Hence--

III. The Church should bring its young men alive. They are God’s gift to the Church which should--

1. Take them under its protection.

2. Give them the benefit of its experience.

3. Encourage the full exercise of all their powers.

4. Give them a share in its work or government.

Young life is of the greatest value to the Church, and if repressed what will become of the Church a few years hence? Let the elders, then, train the young for those offices which must soon become vacant. A sure test of a Church’s strength or weakness is the way it treats its young men.

IV. Young men alive should minister to the comfort of the Church. Often suspicion arises from the restlessness and impulsiveness which irritate older men. Respect the aged; remember their services; do not rush reforms; bide your time, it is surely coming and you can afford to wait. And in the meantime go as far with the elders as you can, and endeavour to allay prejudices by thoughtful consideration for others, and by humility before God. (J. W. Burn.)

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