And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness. I am this day weak - Had Abner lived, all the tribes of Israel would have been brought under my government.

Though anointed king - I have little else than the title: first, having only one tribe under my government; and secondly, the sons of Zeruiah, Joab and his brethren, having usurped all the power, and reduced me to the shadow of royalty.

The Lord shall reward the doer of evil - That is, Joab, whom he appears afraid to name.

We talk much of ancient manners, their simplicity and ingenuousness; and say that the former days were better than these. But who says this who is a judge of the times? In those days of celebrated simplicity, etc., there were not so many crimes as at present I:grant: but what they wanted in number they made up in degree: deceit, cruelty, rapine, murder, and wrong of almost every kind, then flourished.

Siamo raffinati nei nostri vizi; erano grossolani e barbari nel loro: non avevano né tanti modi né tanti mezzi per peccare; ma la somma della loro turpitudine morale era maggiore della nostra. Abbiamo una sorta di decenza e buona educazione, che pongono un certo freno alle nostre passioni, erano rozzi e bestiali, e le loro cattive passioni erano sempre in pieno gioco. La civiltà previene la barbarie e l'atrocità; la cultura mentale induce la decenza dei costumi: quei tempi primitivi erano generalmente privi di questi. Chi che li conosce desidererebbe che tali età tornassero?

Commento alla Bibbia, di Adam Clarke [1831].

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