Oh, se mi nascondessi nella tomba, per tenermi segreto finché la tua ira non sia passata, per fissarmi un tempo prestabilito e ricordarti di me! Oh, se mi nascondessi nella tomba - Per quanto terribile sia la morte per gli altri, la considererò un alto privilegio; sarà per me un riparo dal vento e dalla tempesta di questa afflizione e angoscia.

Tienimi segreto - Nascondi la mia anima con te, dove i miei nemici non possono invadere il mio riposo; o, come dice il poeta: -

"Il mio spirito si nasconde con i santi lassù,

My body in the tomb."

Job does not appear to have the same thing in view when he entreats God to hide him in the grave; and to keep him secret, until his wrath be past. The former relates to the body; the latter to the spirit.

That thou wouldest appoint me a set time - As he had spoken of the death of his body before, and the secreting of his spirit in the invisible world, he must refer here to the resurrection; for what else can be said to be an object of desire to one whose body is mingled with the dust?

And remember me! - When my body has paid that debt of death which it owes to thy Divine justice, and the morning of the resurrection is come, when it may be said thy wrath, אפך appecha, "thy displeasure," against the body is past, it having suffered the sentence denounced by thyself: Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die; then remember me - raise my body, unite my spirit to it, and receive both into thy glory for ever.

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