Ed Eliseo... pianse . — Letteralmente, ed Eliseo vedeva, e lui (enfatico) gridava. (Comp. 2 Re 2:10 , "Se mi vedi portato via".)

Mio padre, mio ​​padre. — Esprime ciò che Elia era per Eliseo. (Vedi Nota su 2 Re 2:9 .)

The chariot (chariots — rèkeb) of Israel, and the horsemen thereof. — Expressing what Elijah was to the nation. The Targum paraphrases, “My master, my master, who was better to Israel than chariots and horsemen by his prayers.” The personal work and influence of a prophet like Elijah was the truest safeguard of Israel. The force of the expression will be seen, if it is remembered that chariots and horsemen constituted, in that age, the chief military arm, and were indispensable for the struggle against the Aramean states.

(Comp. 2 Re 7:6; 2 Re 10:2; 2 Re 13:14; 1 Re 20:1; Salmi 20:7.)

Non lo vide più. — Dopo il suo grido. Lo aveva visto preso.

Noleggiali in due pezzi. — Dall'alto in basso, in segno di estremo dolore. (Per la frase, comp. 1 Re 11:30 .)

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