Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

Behold - calling attention to her awful doom.

I will - present, 'I cast her.'

A bed. The bed of her sin shall be her bed of anguish. Perhaps a pestilence was to be sent. Or the bed of the grave, and the hell beyond, where the worm dieth not.

Them that commit adultery with her - spiritually: including both the idol meats and fornication. "With [ meta (G3326)] her" implies participation in her adulteries-namely, by suffering her (Revelation 2:20), or letting her done, virtually encouraging her. Her punishment is distinct from theirs: she is to be cast into a bed, and her children to be killed; while those who partake in her sin, by tolerating her, are to be cast into great tribulation.

Except they repent, [ metanoeesoosin (G3340)] - aorist, "repent" at once: shall have repented by the time limited in my purpose.

Their deeds. So A, Cyprian; but 'Aleph (') B C, Vulgate, Coptic, Syriac, 'her.' God's true servants, who, by connivance, incur the guilt of her deeds, are distinguished from her.

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