This Work Will Go On Amidst Our Present Trials And We Must Therefore Keep Our Eyes On Him (1 Peter 1:6).

But while salvation may in the end be guaranteed for all who are truly His, there is no promise that the way ahead will be easy for the chosen. Many of us will discover at some stage that in this world we are travelling through ‘the valley of shadows' (Psalms 23:3), for we are human, and we live in a dark and sinful world, and life can be full of trouble. However, we learn here that we must recognise in such troubles the means by which God continues to refine us, and especially to strengthen our faith, as we look to Him in our troubles, and keep our eyes firmly fixed through faith on the One Who is our continuing Saviour. For this will all turn out to be for our salvation (our total restoration to what we should be). The Potter is shaping the clay, and it can be painful, but while remembering that we must never forget the words of the Psalmist, ‘the Lord is our shepherd, we will want for nothing', so that even though we go through the darkest valley we need fear no evil (Psalms 23).

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