About these love feasts preceding the Lord's supper, I have received nothing from the Lord, you have taken the practice up from the Jews or heathens: I do not know that it is unlawful for you civilly to feast, and eat and drink in your private houses; but to come to make such feasts immediately before you religiously eat and drink at the Lord's table, I have received no order from the Lord for any such practice. I have told you what I received from the Lord, which is no more than: That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: see this in the evangelists, Matthew 26:26 Mark 14:22 Luke 22:19; where all these words are opened. Some think that Paul received this from the Lord by immediate revelation (as it is thought Moses received the history we have in Genesis and part of Exodus, which relates to a time before he was born, or arrived at man's estate). Others think that he received it from St. Luke's writings (for the words are quoted according to his Gospel). Others think he received it from some other of the apostles. Certain it is, that he did receive it from the Lord; how, is uncertain.

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