And the artistically woven band(or simply, And the band: see below) of its attachment, which is upon it, shall be, &c. -Artistically woven band" is in the Heb. one word, ḥçsheb, cognate apparently with ḥôshçb, -designer," v.6. As however the entire ephod was to be of the same material, and the ḥçshebwas indeed to be of the same piece with it, it is not apparent why the term should be applied to this particular part of the entire fabric: hence many suppose ḥçshebto be derived by metathesis from ḥçbesh(from ḥâbash, to bind on), and to mean simply band (cf. késheb, and kébesh, both = -lamb"). Whichever etymology be adopted, the general sense remains the same: the band, as the following words shew, was to be of the same work, and the same piece, as the ephod itself, though perhaps of a different pattern, so as to form a border along the bottom of the ephod. The word is used only of this band of the ephod: vv.27, 28, Exodus 29:5 (" Leviticus 8:7), Exodus 39:5; Exodus 39:20-21 †.

of its attachment] cognate with -ephod"; the word which in Isaiah 30:22 is rendered -plating" (viz. of gold round an idol), probably lit. encasement. The rend. -to gird" is not sufficiently distinctive.

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