When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing St Luke relates a further attempt on Pilate's part to release Jesus, "I will chastise Him and let Him go" (Luke 23:22). Will not the cruel torture of a Roman scourging melt their hearts?

St John, at still greater length, narrates the struggle in Pilate's mind between his sense of justice and his respect for Jesus on the one hand, and on the other his double fear of the Jews and of Cæsar. (1) He tried to stir their compassion by shewing Jesus to them crowned with thorns and mangled with the scourging; (2) hearing that Jesus called Himself the "Son of God," he "was the more afraid;" (3) at length he even "sought to release Him," but the chief priests conquered his scruples by a threat that moved his fears, "If thou let this man go thou art not Cæsar's friend." This was the charge of treason which Tacitus says (Ann.iii. 39) was "omnium accusationum complementum." The vision of the implacable Tiberius in the background clenched the argument for Pilate. It is the curse of despotism that it makes fear stronger than justice.

took water, and washed his hands Recorded by St Matthew only. In so doing Pilate followed a Jewish custom which all would understand. Deuteronomy 21:6; Psalms 26:6.

see ye (to it) See note Matthew 27:4.

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