But if we. This is the other side of the test of fellowship. "If our lives are filled with the light of purity and holiness, this shows the truthfulness of our claims to fellowship with the Father and the Son." Fellowship with one another. John is not speaking about the fellowship of Christians with each other, but with the Father and his Son. The blood of Jesus. The blood symbolizes God's act in Christ to set men free. Compare Revelation 7:14; Revelation 12:11; Hebrews 9:12-14. Makes as clean. John uses the present continuous verb form to emphasize that living in the light keeps us in the fellowship where the blood of Jesus continuously makes us clean from sin. But if we walk in darkness, we lose this fellowship! The blood of Christ's death declares the reality of the incarnation, which in turn makes possible the fellowship with the Father and the Son and the continuous forgiveness available to those who remain in this fellowship.

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Old Testament