And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose. "We know" -in. sense this is one ground more for believing in the glorious future. (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 651-652) 'This is the knowledge of settled conviction. This is the knowledge which comes as. result of having all the facts in and having drawn. conclusion in line with those facts' (McGuiggan p. 260)

"to them that love God" -i.e. the obedient (John 14:15; 1 John 2:5; 1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6).

"all things work together for good"

1. 'Somebody said that doubt of the future really means doubt of the present. If God is God and can handle things today, he can handle them tomorrow. There is room for doubt only when. take my eyes off the record of God.' (Hebrews 13:5; 2 Peter 2:9)

2. The assurance of this verse is for those WHO CONTINUE TO LOVE GOD. 'These things being true there is no thing that doesn't work for good. Not poverty, pain, illness, sin nor anything else. Paul's messenger of Satan served God's purpose in driving Paul to greater dependence on God (because Paul let it). Peter's ungodly denial of his Master prodded him on in his loving of his Lord. Paul's persecution of the Church, inspired him to greater commitment. 1 Corinthians 15:10 '..but. labored even more than all of them..'

3. 'Blessings?' What are these? If they turn you from God, they're curses! If your possessions (health, happiness, athletic ability, education, children, or any other lovely thing) turn you unhealthily inward, they're not blessings at all! 'Disadvantages', 'tragedies'? What are these? If the car wreck and the loss of your limb enables you to better serve God by understanding and serving mankind, you were blessed; not cursed! If your poverty increases your appreciation for the things you have, your 'disadvantage' has become your benefactor.'

All things can work together for good, to those that love God, because such people will ALLOW 'good' to surface from even the worst experiences. Suffering that hasn't been allowed to result in personal growth, greater insight, greater appreciation, or some other 'good', has been suffering in vain! Too many Christians think that God is going to bring the "good" out of hard times, without their cooperation. Such is not the case. Paul had learned the above lesson by experience (1 Peter 1:12).

"called according to His purpose" -God "calls all men" (2 Thessalonians 2:14; Mark 16:15). This applies to those that accept such. call, i.e. those that love God.

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Old Testament