2 Reyes 15:1-12

“A LEPER UNTIL THE DAY OF HIS DEATH” 2 Reyes 15:1 The reign of Azariah, or Uzziah, in Judah was very splendid. Fifty-two years of almost unbroken prosperity! The story is told in the glowing periods of 2 Crónicas 26:1. Here, too, we learn that his sun suffered an eclipse because he persisted in th... [ Seguir leyendo ]

2 Reyes 15:13-22

BUYING TEMPORARY RELIEF 2 Reyes 15:13 El asesino usurpador Salum disfrutó de un reinado muy breve, ocupando el trono solo durante un mes, y luego fue asesinado por Menahem, quien, según Josefo, era el comandante de sus fuerzas. Menahem llevó sus brazos hasta Tiphsah, que aparentemente resistió a e... [ Seguir leyendo ]

2 Reyes 15:23-38

USURPERS AND INVADERS 2 Reyes 15:23 The dissolution of Israel proceeded rapidly, for nothing could avert the steady advance of the Assyrian. According to the usual policy of Eastern conquerors, the flower of the nation was sent beyond the Euphrates to people the thinly inhabited portions of the As... [ Seguir leyendo ]

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