Hechos 7:1-13

STEPHEN'S DEFENSE: GOD'S FIRST CALLED ONES Hechos 7:1 There are several touches in this eloquent apology which deserve notice. Hechos 7:2: “The God of glory.” This chapter begins and ends with glory. See Hechos 7:55. Note that God appeared to Abraham in Ur, _before_ he had come to Haran at the div... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Hechos 7:14-29

STEPHEN'S DEFENSE: THE DELIVERER FROM BONDAGE Hechos 7:14 Moses, we are here told, was “mighty in words;” that is, in eloquence as well as in deeds. This confirms the statement of the Jewish historian, Josephus, that in the earlier part of his career, now lost in the oblivion of history, Moses led... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Hechos 7:30-46

STEPHEN'S DEFENSE: DISOBEDIENCE IN THE WILDERNESS Hechos 7:30 The angel who appeared in the bush that burned with fire was the angel of God's presence, who saved the Israelites and bare them and carried them all the days of old. See Isaías 63:9. Who could this be save our Lord Himself? Only He cou... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Hechos 7:47-60

A MARTYR'S GLORIOUS DEATH Hechos 7:47 Palabras como estas no se pueden perdonar. La creciente irritación del público parece haber extorsionado esas ardientes protestas y haber acelerado la escena final. Pero la tormenta que estalló en torno al fiel confesor de Cristo y primer mártir no pudo pertur... [ Seguir leyendo ]

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