Salmo 8:1-9

_¡Cuán glorioso es tu nombre en toda la tierra! _ SENSIBILIDAD POÉTICA DE DAVID Con toda probabilidad, este Salmo es el primero, o en todo caso uno de los primeros que escribió David. Respira el espíritu de esas noches solitarias por las que tan a menudo debe haber pasado cuidando las ovejas de s... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Salmo 8:2

_Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength._ THE STRENGTH OF FEEBLE INSTRUMENTALITIES The sudden drop from the glories of the heavens to the babble and prattle of infancy and childhood is most impressive, and gives extraordinary force to the paradox that the latter’s witn... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Salmo 8:3,4

_Cuando considero tus cielos._ CONSIDERANDO Eso es lo que la gente no hará. Son irreflexivos, superficiales, frívolos; no se sientan y juntan cosas y las suman, y preguntan el significado de la poesía del total. 1. “Cuando lo considero” - me convierto en un hombre nuevo, mucho más grande, más nob... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Salmo 8:5

_For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels._ MAN A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS While the Psalmist refers primarily to man, we learn from St. Paul that the text has a further reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. I. The text, as spoken of men. Perhaps it was not so much in nature as in... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Salmo 8:6

_Thou madest him to have dominion._ MAN’S DOMINION Dominion is a far-reaching word. We have not yet thrown our measuring line upon it, and realised all its suggestions and inspiration. Is there not a stirring sometimes in the heart, which means: I was meant to be a king; I was meant to be master;... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Salmo 8:6-8

_Thou hast put all things under his feet, etc._ CRUELTY TO ANIMALS If the lower creation were not too insignificant or worthless to contribute to the glory of Jesus, they cannot be deemed too insignificant for Him to care for, and for us to protect and honour. We know it is said of His saints that... [ Seguir leyendo ]

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