she is indeed my sister See Génesis 11:29; Génesis 12:19. The marriage with a half-sister was evidently permitted in David's time (cf. 2 Samuel 13:13); and it was practised in the days of Ezekiel (Ezequiel 22:11), though forbidden by the laws of Levítico 18:9; Levítico 18:9; Levítico 18:11; Levítico 20:17; Deuteronomio 27:22. It is said to have been permitted in Phoenicia and Egypt.

Abraham's excuse is based upon a half truth. Sarah may have been truly his sister; but this statement was no moral justification for his suppression of the fact that she was his wife. The further excuse in Génesis 20:13, that as he travelled about he always practised this mental reservation concerning Sarah, scarcely adds dignity to his line of defence.

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