And I will hold as innocent (R.V. marg.) their blood which I have not held as innocent] By the desolation of Egypt and Edom, Jehovah will shew openly that the murdered Judahites (Joel 3:19 b) had suffered innocently. So long, namely, as He permitted their blood to remain unavenged, it might be supposed that they had not been slain unjustly: but by the punishment of the murderers (i.

e. here, by the desolation of their country) Jehovah declares (implicitly), what He had not declared before, that their blood was innocent (Joel 3:19 b), and had been unjustly shed. Niḳḳâh, to holdor declare innocent(Éxodo 20:7; Job 9:28 al.), is chosen on account of nâḳî", innocent, in Joel 3:19.

y Jehová mora en Sión y es aquí casi equivalente a tan verdaderamente como: en corroboración de la promesa hecha en la cláusula anterior, el profeta apela a la verdad indiscutible de que la morada de Jehová está en Sión. Entonces Oseas 12:5 " y (tan verdaderamente como) Jehová es el Dios de los ejércitos, Jehová es su memorial (nombre)".

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