Anche lo Spirito di verità; che il mondo non può ricevere, perché non lo vede, né lo conosce: ma voi lo conoscete; poiché egli abita con te e sarà in te.

Ver. 17. For he dwelleth with you] Next to the love of Christ in dwelling in our nature, we may wonder at the love of the Holy Ghost, that will dwell in the dark dog-hole of our defiled souls; and be there as those two golden pipes, Zaccaria 4:12, through which the two olive branches empty out of themselves the golden oils of all precious graces; which are, therehence, called "the fruits of the Spirit," Galati 5:22; "yea, the Spirit," Giovanni 14:17.

God also in giving us his Spirit, is said to give us all good things, Matteo 7:11; cf. Luca 11:13 .

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