Salmos 51:14

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 51:14. Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation! and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

THIS psalm is full of encouragement to a real penitent; but in particular the petition before us. Consider the crime committed—murder; the most atrocious murder that ever was committed. Consider by whom it had been committed—the man after God’s own heart, who had experienced from God more signal interpositions than almost any other man that ever breathed. Consider the long and inconceivable obduracy which he had indulged since the commission of if, even to the very hour when his guilt was charged upon him by the Prophet of the Lord. Could such a sin as this be forgiven? Could such an offender dare to ask forgiveness, or entertain the remotest hope of obtaining it? Surely, if David could approach his God under such circumstances as these, with the smallest hope of acceptance, then may we see in this passage,

I. The privilege of a contrite soul—

There is not a sinner in the universe who may not go to God, as “a God of salvation”—
[Were there only a hope that mercy might be a constituent of the divine character, and an attribute which might by some possibility be displayed, it were a sufficient encouragement to the vilest sinner upon earth to call upon his God. But the title here assigned to the Most High, opens to us a most wonderful view of his character. He is “a God of salvation;” as having devised a way of salvation for a ruined world: as having given us his only dear Son to effect it: as having accepted the sacrifice of his Son in our behalf; and, as applying that salvation to those whom “he has chosen in Christ Jesus before the world began.” He is “a God of salvation,” as making the redemption of the world his great concern; yea, as altogether occupied in it; so as, if I may so speak, to be swallowed up in it, and to be “a God of it.” We read of him as “a God of patience and consolation,” yea, “a God of all grace:” but the title given in my text meets most fully the necessities of mankind, and opens a door of hope to every sinner under heaven.]
Nor is there a sin which, if truly repented of, shall not be forgiven—
[We read, indeed, of the sin against the Holy Ghost, as excepted from the tremendous catalogue of pardonable sins. But it is not excepted because of its enormity, as though it were too great to be forgiven; but only because that sin implies a wilful and deliberate rejection of the only means of salvation: it destroys, not because it exceeds the efficacy of the Redeemer’s blood, but because it tramples on that blood which alone can expiate even the smallest sin. A man who determinately rejects all food, needs not to do any thing else to ensure his own destruction: he rejects the necessary means of life, and therefore must inevitably perish. But we may say without exception, that “the blood of Jesus Christ both can and will cleanse from all sin,” if only we sprinkle it upon our conscience, and trust in it for salvation. It is worthy of observation, that the Psalmist expresses no doubt as to the possibility of his acceptance with God. He does not say, “If such guilt can be forgiven, deliver thou me;” but simply, “Deliver me.” Nay, in a preceding part of this psalm he says, “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow [Note: ver. 7.].” Whatever guilt, therefore, may lie upon the conscience of the vilest sinner under heaven, let him go to God, and cry with humble confidence, “Deliver me, O God of my salvation!”]

From this example of David, we may further learn,


The duty of all who have obtained mercy of the Lord—

The world are ready to complain, “Why do you not keep your religion to yourself? But no pardoned sinner ought to do so: he is bound to render thanks for the mercies vouchsafed unto him.

1. He owes it to God—

[Surely God is to be honoured, as a God of providence and a God of grace. Are we distinguished above the brute creation? We should bless God for the faculties bestowed upon us. Are we elevated above any of our fellows by the communication of spiritual blessings to our souls? We are bound to praise God for such “an unspeakable gift.” If we forbore to speak His praises, methinks “the very stones would cry out against us.”]

2. He owes it to the world—

[How are the world to be instructed in the knowledge of God, if those to whom that knowledge is imparted are silent respecting him? We owe a debt to them. “What our eyes have seen, our ears have heard, and our hands have handled of the Word of Life,” we are bound to declare to them. We are not at liberty to put our light under a bushel; but must “make it to shine before men, that they also may glorify our Father who is in heaven.” “When we are converted,” we are bound in every possible way to “strengthen our brethren.”]

3. He owes it to himself—

[Suppose a man to “have been forgiven much, will he not love much?” and will not love vent itself in the praise of the object beloved? Especially if a man have been made a partaker of God’s righteousness, will he not sing aloud of that righteousness? No doubt he will: and, if the angelic hosts would account it a painful sacrifice if silence were imposed upon them, and they were forbidden to shew forth the praises of their God, so would it be with the believing soul, in proportion to the measure of grace that had been conferred upon him.]

To all, then, I say,

Be particular in your applications to God for mercy—

[Do not rest in mere general confessions or general petitions; but search out the hidden iniquities of your hearts, and spread them distinctly before God in prayer. We have not all committed the sins of David: but are we not all sinners? And if we would search the records of our conscience, might we not find some evils which call for more than ordinary humiliation? Or, if in acts we have been free from any remarkable transgression, have we not felt such motions of sin within us, as might, if God had given us up to temptation, have issued in the foulest transgressions? We need only recollect what our Lord tells us, that an impure and angry-thought is constructive adultery and murder; and we shall see little reason to cast a stone at others, and abundant reason for humiliation before God. I say, then, search out, every one of you, your besetting sins, and implore of God the forgiveness of them.]

2. Have respect to God under his proper character—

[View God not merely as your Creator, your Governor, and your Judge, but as your Covenant God and Saviour. See how David addresses him: “O God, thou God of my salvation!” Thus it will be well for every sinner of mankind to do. See your own interest in him: see what provision he has made for you; what invitations he has given to you; what promises he has held forth to you. This will encourage penitence: this will strike the rock for penitential sorrows to flow out. In a word, view God as he is in Christ Jesus, a God reconciling the world unto himself; and you will never indulge despair, nor ever doubt but He will shew mercy to all who call upon him in spirit and in truth.]

3. Determine, through grace, to improve for God the blessings you receive—

[It was a suitable determination of David, that, if his requests should be granted, “his tongue should sing aloud of God’s righteousness.” A similar resolution becomes us. Are we interested in a salvation which displays “the righteousness of God,” and makes every perfection of his to concur in the promotion of our welfare? Let us not be silent: let us not be ashamed to confess him before men: though the whole world should endeavour to silence us, let us not regard them for one instant: but let us say with David, “I will praise thee with the psaltery, even thy truth, O my God: unto thee will I sing with the harp, O thou Holy One of Israel: My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee; and my soul, which thou hast redeemed. My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long [Note: Salmos 71:22.].”]

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