Salmos 62:5-8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 62:5. My soul, wait thou only upon God: for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.

THERE is scarcely any thing that more offends the ignorant and ungodly, than a profession of maintaining fellowship with Jehovah, and of receiving from him certain communications which are unknown to the world at large. Such pretensions are considered by them as the offspring of spiritual pride and incurable presumption. But it will scarcely be supposed that the Gospel has reduced us to a lower state than was enjoyed under the law, or deprived us of privileges that were possessed under that less perfect dispensation: yet behold, with what intimate access to God the Psalmist was favoured, and what communion with him he teaches every contrite sinner to expect! It is worthy of observation, that in this psalm there is not one single petition, or thanksgiving: the whole of it is occupied in stating what comfort he found in God, and in encouraging others to expect the same. Especially in the words which we have just read, we see,

I. His happy experience—

Great and manifold were David’s trials, from his earliest youth even to his dying hour. But “in all he encouraged himself in the Lord his God:”
He waited upon God as his all-sufficient help—
[The psalm begins with affirming this: and, in our text, he encourages his soul to persevere in this blessed course: “My soul, wait thou only upon God.” As for men, he found that they could not be relied upon: both rich and poor were alike but a broken reed, “a lie and vanity [Note: ver. 9.].” Nor could power or wealth afford any better ground of confidence [Note: ver. 10.]. God alone has the power requisite for supplying the wants of his creatures [Note: ver. 11.]; and therefore “from God alone was all his expectation [Note: ver. 5.].” To him he looked in all his troubles, whether of a temporal or spiritual nature. “When persecuted by Saul, he fled to his invisible Protector, and took refuge under the shadow of Jehovah’s wings — — — In like manner, when assaulted by Satan, his great spiritual adversary, “he gat him to his Lord right humbly,” and sought in him that salvation which He alone can give — — — Under all circumstances he considered God as able, willing, yea and pledged too, to deliver him: and to him he ran, as to a strong tower, in which he found unfailing security. As to the time and manner of his deliverance, he left that entirely to God.]

He found in God all that his diversified necessities required—
[He was never disappointed of his hope. The many miraculous escapes which he experienced, testify that God was ever nigh at hand to help him — — — and the peace and stability which he obtained in his soul after his most grievous fall, manifestly prove, how exceedingly the grace of God was magnified towards him — — — We wonder not at his frequent repetition of the same acknowledgments [Note: ver. 1, 2. with the text.], or at the augmented confidence with which he was enabled to look forward to a continuance of the Divine favour even unto death [Note: Compare ver. 2, with ver. 6. “Not greatly moved;” “Not moved at all.”].]

But from this experience he was fully qualified to give—


His advice founded upon it—

To wait on God is the duty of every living creature, and especially of those who are instructed in the knowledge of his revealed will. “He is the one source of every good and perfect gift.” On him therefore David advises us to wait,

1. In a way of earnest prayer—

[We should not merely call upon God, but “pour out our hearts before him.” If our troubles be of a more public nature, we should, like Hezekiah, spread our wants before him [Note: 2 Reis 19:14.]: or, if they be known to ourselves alone, we should, like Hannah, carry them to the Lord [Note: 1 Samuel 1:15.]. The direction given us by God himself is, that “in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving we should make our requests known unto God [Note: Filipenses 4:6.].” We should not say of one thing, It is too great for me to ask; or of another thing, It is too small: we should remember, that “he will be inquired of by us,” before he will communicate to us his promised blessings [Note: Ezequiel 36:37.]: and, if we ask in faith, he will “do for us exceeding abundantly above all that we either ask or think.”]

2. In a way of confident expectation—

[We should “not stagger at any of God’s promises, but be strong in faith, giving glory to God.” If he see fit to delay his answer, we must not be discouraged, but wait his time; assured, that “the vision shall not tarry” beyond the precise moment that he sees to be best for us [Note: Habacuque 2:3.]. We must trust him no less when we see no way for our deliverance [Note: Isaías 50:10; Isaías 28:16.], than when the promised relief is visibly at hand. Under all the endearing characters which are assigned to him in our text, we should expect his gracious interposition. If our difficulties and trials be of a temporal nature, we should anticipate with confidence his effectual aid [Note: Isaías 50:7.]; and if of a spiritual nature, we should feel assured, that none shall finally prevail against us [Note: Jeremias 1:19.]: we should confidently say, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength.” “In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.”]


To those who are labouring under temporal affliction—

[Those who have no God to go to, often sink under their troubles, and not unfrequently seek refuge from them in suicide. Be ye not like to them. There is a God, whose is the earth, and the fulness thereof, and who feedeth even the ravens that call upon him. Your trials are intended to lead you to him; and if they have this effect, you shall have cause to bless him for them to all eternity. Only remember not to lean to the creature for support. Seek every thing in God; in “God only;” in “God at all times;” and you shall not be disappointed of your hope.]

2. To those who are bowed down with spiritual trouble—

[Hear what instruction the Prophet Jeremiah gives to persons in your state [Note: Eclesiastes 3:25. Add to this, Eclesiastes 3:27.]. David had sunk under his troubles, if he had not cast his care entirely upon the Lord [Note: Salmos 27:13.]. Follow then his example in this particular: charge it upon yourself to do so; “My soul, wait thou only upon God.” And if still distressing fears oppress you, chide your unbelieving soul as he did, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God; for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my confidence and my God [Note: Salmos 42:11.].”]

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