Then he said,—O fools, &c.— Again he said,—O thoughtless men;— ανοητοι. The word expresses a want of due attention and consideration. The slowness of Christ's friends to believe his resurrection, is so far from being an argument that the proofs of it were defective; that, on the contrary, their believing afterwards carries the greater weight: for it removes all suspicion of a collusion between Christ and them in his life-time; and also implies an impartial examination of the fact, and the strength of those proofs which vanquished this incredulity.

It appears from the reproof which our Saviour gave them, that Cleopas and his companions were of the number of those who gave little credit to the tidings which the women had brought of their Master's resurrection; wherefore, to shew them their error, Jesus reprovedthemsharplyfornotunderstandingandbelievingtheprophesies;which,said he, declare it to be the will of heaven, that before the Messiah should enter into his glory, that is to say, before he should receive his kingdom, he should suffer such things as you say your Master has suffered.

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