Jó 24:13

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Jó 24:13. They are of those that rebel against the light.

WE cannot understand any part of the Book of Job aright, unless we continually keep in mind the subject in dispute between Job and his friends; they labouring incessantly to convince him, that the judgments with which he was visited were marks of God’s indignation against him, on account of some secret wickedness he had practised; and he endeavouring to prove to them, that God’s dealings with men in this world were no proper tests of their character; since even the most abandoned of mankind, in many instances, prospered in this world, and passed through life without any visible marks of God’s displeasure. Amongst persons of this character, he mentions “those who rebel against the light;” who form, indeed, a very large portion of the community in every age and in every country under heaven.
We shall find it not unprofitable to inquire,

I. Who they are that are obnoxious to this charge—

The expression, “rebelling against the light,” may be taken both in a literal and a figurative sense. Accordingly, we must comprehend under this description those who rebel,

1. Against the light of day

[This, in fact, is the primary import of the expression in my text: for Job himself goes on to illustrate his meaning by the conduct of murderers and adulterers, both of whom shun the light of day, which would expose them to observation, and affect the darkness of night, as more favourable to their pursuits. “The murderer,” says he, “rising with the light, killeth the poor and needy: and in the night is as a thief. The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying, No eye shall see me; and disguiseth his face. In the dark they dig through houses which they had marked for themselves in the day-time: they know not the light: for the morning is to them even as the shadow of death: if one know them, they are in the terros of the shadow of death [Note: Jó 24:14; Jó 24:17.].” Hence such persons are called “children of the night and of darkness,” in opposition to the godly, who are termed “children of the light and of the day [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:5.];” the one choosing the night as the season for their wicked transactions, and the other the day for their labours which affect the light. The truth is, that God has given the light of day on purpose that his people may be enabled to serve and honour him in their different vocations: but the persons here spoken of discard the light, denying to it their acknowledgment of its superiority, and giving a decided preference to darkness, which alone is suited to such a conduct as they pursue. This is “rebellion against the light,” inasmuch as it is a withholding from it those services which the Creator himself has assigned it, and which its peculiar properties demand.]

2. Against the light of conscience

[Conscience is God’s vicegerent in the soul of man. Under its direction and government all, without exception, are placed. The heathen, who have no written law to regulate their conduct, and are therefore “a law unto themselves,” are under the control of this faculty; which either “accuses or excuses them,” according as they demean themselves in accordance with the law of their minds, or as they oppose and violate its dictates [Note: Romanos 2:14.]. And whoever disobeys its motions is altogether “inexcusable” before God [Note: Romanos 1:20.]. True indeed, many, whilst following their conscience, sin grievously against God, as Paul did, when he persecuted the followers of Christ. But his sin consisted, not in following the dictates of his conscience, but in not having his conscience better informed. The obeying of the voice of conscience, so far as that alone it considered, is always right; and to rebel against it is always wrong. And who is there that has not transgressed in this way? Who is there that, having known what was evil, has not committed it; and, having known what was good, has not neglected to perform it? St. James tells us plainly, that to “rebel thus against the light” is sin: “To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin [Note: Jam. 14:17.].”]

3. Against the light of revelation

[God has given us “his word to be a light to our feet, and a lantern to our paths:” and he requires that we obey it without reserve. But where has it its legitimate control? Where does it reign with unrestricted sway? Alas! whether amongst Jews or Christians, its influence is very limited: any worldly interest, any carnal gratification, is quite sufficient to overpower it. Not even the Gospel itself, with all the wonders of redeeming love, can operate so as to subject men to its dominion. See, I pray you, and consider, Who regards the Law as a rule of life? who yields himself to the Gospel, so as to have his soul “cast into it as into a mould,” and so as to be “formed by it into the image of our God?” Look round the world, and see how few are really in subjection to it. Even where the Gospel is preached in its utmost simplicity, the great mass of those who hear it “rebel against the light,” and “walk on still in darkness.”]

But, not to speak of others, let us consider,


How far we ourselves are implicated in it—

In order to bring it home to ourselves, let us call to mind particularly,

1. Our indulgence of secret sins—

[Let us look at those who are yet in a state of childhood, and see what frequent deviations from truth and honesty are to be found amongst them; insomuch, that it is almost a miracle if a single individual be found who cannot call to mind some violations of his duty in these respects. Let us trace our lives up to manhood, and see what each successive year has brought forth; in how many instances we have harboured thoughts which we could not have dared to express in words; yea, and uttered in words, to a fellow-creature, what we should not have dared to utter in the hearing of a man of God; yea, perhaps I may say, have carried also into effect, when, if an intelligent and pious friend had been present, it would have been impossible for us to have acted as we did. As for God’s presence, we thought not of it. It was sufficient for us that we were not seen by man. If we have had reason to fear that our sin was discovered, we have been filled with shame and sorrow: but, if we have eluded human observation, we have thought little of the eye of God. In a word, to a sense of our own honour and credit in the world we have been all alive; but, to the approbation of our God we have been indifferent.
In speaking on this subject, I may fitly mention the artifices of trade and commerce, which, in fact, constitute the great art of rising in the world, and without which it is scarcely possible for a man to gain a livelihood. Yet, all these arts of adulteration and deceit are practised in secret, without any regard to God or conscience. I wish all of you, Brethren, from the oldest to the youngest, in whatever rank you move, and whatever office in life you fill, to examine whether the sins incident to your age and station are not indulged by you, so far as the habits of the world will sanction them, without any fear of God. Truly, there is not one amongst us, who, if he will suffer conscience to speak the truth, must not acknowledge, that he has “rebelled against the light” in instances without number, yea, and it is to be feared, in instances too which he could not endure to have published to the world at large.]

2. Our neglect of acknowledged duties—

[Who, that has ever heard the Gospel, does not know the two great leading requirements of it; namely, “repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ?” Yet, who complies with them? Who calls his ways to remembrance, and mourns over all the evils of his former life, and humbles himself before God in dust and ashes? Who goes to God from day to day, imploring mercy at his hands in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and wrestling with him, as it were, in prayer, till he obtains an answer of peace? Who “lives altogether by faith in the Lord Jesus,” “receiving out of his fulness those supplies of grace and strength which are necessary for him, and goes forth in dependence upon Christ to glorify his God in all holy obedience? Alas! alas! we acknowledge readily enough what the light of the Gospel requires; but we “rebel against it.” And this, as our Lord says, is the very point which so greatly offends our God: “This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil [Note: João 3:19.].” In fact, it is this which renders men so averse to be told in private what they are accustomed to hear in public: “for every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved: whereas, he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God [Note: João 3:20.].” Let us, then, only look at the daily habit of our minds, in relation to these things, and we shall see how deeply we all, without exception, are implicated in the guilt which is imputed to those who rebel against the light.]

Behold, then,

How amazing has been the forbearance of God towards us!

[God has seen all our wickedness, however secret, whether it has been in a way of commission, or of omission. “The darkness has been no darkness with him; but the night and the day to him are both alike.” How wonderful then is it, that he has borne with us, and not taken us away in the midst of our sins: when, if I may so say, he might have cut us off to advantage, and made us most distinguished monuments of his displeasure! How wonderful, too, that when he has seen the whole world, and all the iniquity that has been perpetrated in it, he has borne with us so long, and not consumed us utterly, as Sodom and Gomorrha! Let us, then, acknowledge “this long-suffering of God to be salvation [Note: 2 Pedro 3:15.]:” and let it convince us, that he is “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and live [Note: 2 Pedro 3:9.]” — — —]

2. What a mercy is it that the light is yet continued to us!

[From many churches God has removed the candlestick, when those who enjoyed the light persisted in rebellion against it. But we, Brethren, have the light continued to us, the light of day; being preserved in life, when so many have been taken away long before they attained to our age; the light of conscience, too, which so many have been left to “scar as with a hot iron;” and the light of revelation, which yet sounds in our ears, and invites us to accept of mercy through the Redeemer’s blood. O Brethren! how “little a while ye will have the light with you, God alone knows: but whilst you have the light, walk in the light, that ye may be the children of light [Note: João 12:35,].” Beg of God that the word ye hear may “not be a savour of death to your death and condemnation, but a savour of life to your eternal life and happiness.”]

3. How thankful should we be if conscience have in any measure its proper influence upon us!

[Does conscience smite you, Brethren? Be not in haste to close the wound: yea, beg of God that it may never be healed, but by the blood of Jesus Christ. Conviction is the very first work of the Spirit of God: and the deeper that is, the richer will be your consolations. And, when you have obtained peace with God, still let conscience sit enthroned in your soul, to regulate your every act, and every word, and every thought, according to the mind and will of God. Entreat of God to make your conscience tender as the apple of your eye: and, if but a mote offend it, let it never rest there, but weep it out with tears of penitential sorrow, and get the guilt of it also washed away in the blood of Christ. In a word, endeavour to “walk in the light, as God is in the light; and then shall God and you have fellowship one with the other; and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, shall cleanse you from all sin [Note: 1 João 1:7.].”]

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1 João 2:19; 2 Pedro 2:20; 2 Tessalonicenses 2:10; Tiago 4:17; Jó 23