Lucas 2:15

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 2:15. Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

IT is a rich mercy to have a faithful instructor, who will declare unto us the whole counsel of God. But, to obtain any solid benefit, we must search into the truths we hear, and endeavour to get a deep impression of them upon our minds. Without care and diligence on our parts, it would be to little purpose to enjoy the ministry of Paul himself, or even of angels from heaven. What would the shepherds have been profited by the tidings which the angels announced to them respecting the Saviour’s birth, if, like too many amongst us, they had contented themselves with admiring the eloquence of the chief speaker, or the sweetness and melody of the hymn they sang? They set us a good example: they thought not of amusement, but of edification; not of the manner in which the messengers performed their part, but of the truths delivered by them: and no sooner had their heavenly instructors left them to themselves, than they proposed to go immediately and examine into the things which had been made known unto them.
From this striking incident we shall take occasion to set before you,

I. The event referred to—

In the preceding context we are informed what the tidings were, which were brought by the angels—
[These tidings were, that a Saviour was that very day born into the world. A general expectation prevailed among the Jews that about that time a person of most extraordinary character should be born in their land, and should become a Saviour to the Jewish people. Very erroneous notions indeed obtained respecting the nature of the benefits which he would impart to them: but the more enlightened persons among them extended their views beyond a mere temporal deliverance, and looked forward to spiritual and eternal blessings. The advent of this person was now proclaimed to the shepherds; and it was declared, that the Child was born “in the city of David, as the prophets had foretold [Note: Miquéias 5:2.]; and, that not the Jews only, but “all the nations” of the earth, were interested in the salvation which he was come to effect.

The tidings yet further intimated, that the new-born infant was none other thanthe Lord of Glory.” It was no common child whose birth was announced: though he partook of flesh and blood, yet was he possessed of a nature infinitely superior to that of men or angels. The shepherds were informed that “the Child which was born, and the Son that was given, was,” as Isaiah had foretold, “the Mighty God [Note: Isaías 9:6.],” even “Emmanuel God with us [Note: Isaías 7:14.].” As the salvation which he was to accomplish was to be extended to all people, so he was fitted for his work, being the omnipotent Jehovah, who could not fail of success in whatever he undertook.

Lastly, it was declared, that notwithstanding the dignity of his person, and the greatness of his office, he was to be found in a state of the deepest humiliation. It was not in the palaces of Herod or the high-priest, or in the mansions of the great and noble, that this Child was to be found: no; they must go and look for him in the stable of an inn; and they would “find him wrapped in swaddling-clothes, and lying in a manger,” like one that was ordained to be “a worm and no man, a reproach of men, and despised of the people [Note: Salmos 22:6.].”]

The same tidings are announced to us at this day—
[No angels are now sent, or need to be sent, on such messages, because the Scriptures give us all the information that we can desire. But ministers are ambassadors from God; and are commissioned from God to declare the same joyful tidings as were conveyed to the shepherds by the heavenly hosts. We then make known to you, that that very Jesus, who once lay in the womb of the blessed Virgin, and who, at his birth had no other mansion than a stable, no other cradle than a manger, that same Jesus, I say, was “God manifest in the flesh [Note: 1 Timóteo 3:16.],”even “God over all blessed for ever [Note: Romanos 9:5.]. We moreover declare unto you, that he is “the Saviour of the world,” and that “there is no other name given under heaven whereby we can be saved, but the name of Jesus Christ [Note: Atos 4:12.].”]

From the regard which the shepherds paid to this event, we proceed to shew you,


The inquiries to be made concerning it—

No message that comes from God ought to be treated with contempt; much less should one that is of such mysterious import, such universal concern.
Inquire then into,

1. The truth of the fact—

[There is something so marvellous, and almost incredible, in the idea of God becoming man, in order to save a ruined world, that it should not be hastily embraced, no, not even though it were declared by an angel from heaven. It becomes us to examine what can be adduced in confirmation of it. We should, with the Bereans, “search the Scriptures daily, to see if these things be so [Note: Atos 17:11.].” We should inquire whether the prophets spake any thing respecting this great event [Note: 1 Pedro 1:10.]; whether they gave any reason to believe, that God would ever take upon him our nature, and accomplish our salvation in so strange a way [Note: Miquéias 5:2.Isaías 9:6; Isaías 7:14.]. We should inquire what proof the Apostles had, that they were rightly informed; and what evidence there is, that, in relating these things to us, they were divinely inspired [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:16; 2 Pedro 1:21.]. In short, we should, if I may so speak, “go to Bethlehem,” and see for ourselves; yea, we should “make haste” to do so, lest we lose the opportunity afforded us, or become indifferent to the report itself.]

2. The grounds and reasons of it—

[It cannot be that such an event should ever have taken place without some urgent necessity. We should therefore inquire what occasion there was for it. If we do this, we shall find that among the various reasons that will occur to the mind, there are two peculiarly prominent, two that will sufficiently account for the whole mystery; and these are, Man’s happiness, and God’s honour. Without the incarnation and death of the Son of God, man could never have attained to happiness. He was reduced to the state of the fallen angels in respect of guilt; and he must have resembled them in respect of misery, if such a way had not been devised and executed for his recovery. Moreover, it was in this way only that God could save man, and at the same time maintain the honour of his own perfections. Without an atonement, his justice could not be satisfied: nor could his mercy be exercised in consistency with his truth and holiness. It was, that “mercy and truth might meet together, and that righteousness and peace might kiss each other [Note: Salmos 85:10.];” it was for this end, I say, that our God became incarnate: and the more we examine into the reasons of this mysterious dispensation, the more we shall be satisfied, that it is in every respect worthy of its Divine Author.]

3. Its use and importance—

[We are not to amuse ourselves with empty speculations upon such momentous points as this; but to inquire into their practical use and importance. Now these tidings will upon examination be found as important to us as to any people at any period of the world. Our first and great concern is, How may we be reconciled to our offended God? To this we find a complete and satisfactory answer in the event referred to. The Lord Jesus Christ has become a mediator between God and man; he has taken our nature, in order that he might “bear our sins in his own sacred body,” and work out a righteousness whereby we might be justified; so that “God may now be just, and yet the justifier of all that believe [Note: Romanos 3:25.].” In this mystery the burthened conscience finds rest and peace. From this, the vilest of the human race may take encouragement to return to God; and be fully assured, that, for Christ’s sake, all his iniquities shall be pardoned, and not one of them be remembered against him any more for ever [Note: Hebreus 8:12.]. Surely then we should spare no pains in investigating these things, that so we may derive from them the consolation and happiness they are intended to convey.]

To recommend yet further this spirit of inquiry, we shall conclude, with shewing you the benefits that will result from it:

You will receive conviction in your own minds—

[The shepherds did not doubt the veracity of the angels; but their faith was certainly confirmed, when they had ocular demonstration of the fact that had been related to them. Thus, though we may not really disbelieve the incarnation of God’s co-equal, co-eternal Son, or doubt whether he be the only, and all-sufficient Saviour of the world, yet the more we examine the Scriptures with humility and prayer, the more deep will be our insight into this “great mystery of godliness,” and the more shall we attain “a full assurance of understanding” with respect to it.
Let this then incline us to go with one accord to Bethlehem, and to commence the pious search: yea, let the hope and prospect of so rich a benefit stimulate us to united and instantaneous exertions.]

2. You will be disposed to communicate the joyful tidings to others—

[This was the first-fruit of the conviction which the shepherds had received: “When they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this Child [Note: ver. 17.].” And will you be contented to “put your light under a bushel?” Will you not rather imitate the famished lepers, who when they had found the Syrian camp deserted, and a vast plenty of provisions and booty of every kind lying unprotected, “said one to another, We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings; and we hold our peace: now therefore come, that we may go and tell the king’s household [Note: 2 Reis 7:8.]?” You find in general, that persons are averse to speak of the great mysteries of redemption, because they have so little considered them: on the contrary, they who feel the importance of them, cannot be restrained from speaking of them: and if they be derided or menaced for their zeal, they will give the same answer as the Apostles did, “We cannot but speak of the things which we have seen and heard [Note: Atos 4:19.].”]

3. You will abound in praises and thanksgivings to God for them—

[In this respect also the shepherds manifested the fruits of diligent and humble inquiry: “They returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them [Note: ver. 20.].” And shall not we feel a similar disposition, if once our hearts be duly impressed with these things? Yes: if we “muse as we ought, the fire will kindle, and at last we shall speak with our tongues [Note: Salmos 39:3.].” We shall vie even with the angelic hosts in singing, “Glory to God in the highest for the peace which is brought down on earth, and the good-will that is thereby expressed towards man.”

If, then, our fellow-creatures have any claim upon us for the benefit of our instructions, or God has any demands upon our gratitude for the stupendous mercies he has vouchsafed unto us, then should we search with diligence into the truths that are revealed, in order that we may be quickened to the performance of our duty, and be stimulated to pay our tribute of love to man, and of praise to God.]

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