Lucas 4:38-39

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 4:38. And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simons house. And Simons wife’s mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose, and ministered unto them.

HOWEVER much we may be beloved of God, we are not to expect an exemption from those troubles which are the common lot of humanity. Peter was one of the peculiar favourites of our Lord, and privileged to have more intimate access to him than almost any of the Apostles. Yet we find severe affliction in his family. This affliction however tended in the issue (as all the trials of God’s children will) to the glory of God and to his own personal benefit. This observation naturally arises from the account which we have just read respecting the miraculous recovery of his wife’s mother through the interposition of our Lord. In discoursing upon it we may notice,

I. The service which Jesus rendered her-

She was seized with a very dangerous disorder-
[Peter, an utter stranger to the doctrine since established in the church of Rome respecting the celibacy of the clergy, was a married man, and an eminent pattern both of filial piety and conjugal affection. The aged mother of his wife was permitted to spend her declining years with him:but her near connexion with this eminent servant of God could not preserve her from the common calamities of life; nor could her son-in-law restore her by a miracle without an express commission from God himself [Note: Perhaps the gift of miracles was not yet bestowed upon the church. But after it was, the Apostles could only exercise that gift when they were moved by God to do so. Why else did Paul leave Trophimus at Miletum sick (2 Timóteo 4:20.) or suffer the sickness of his dear fellow-labourer Epaphroditus to proceed to such extremity? (Filipenses 2:27.)]. The circumstance of her being detained from the ordinances of God must doubtless have been a great additional trial to her mind, especially at a season, when he, who “spake as never man spake,” had come thither to instruct the people [Note: The loss of divine ordinances was that which David chiefly regretted when he fled from Absalom, Salmos 84:1.]. Peter however saw no necessity for staying from the synagogue when his mother was properly attended at home. He the rather went; and availed himself of his access to Jesus to intercede for his afflicted relative.]

At the request of Peter and his friends, Jesus restored her to perfect health—
[Jesus paid the same attention to the intercessions of friends as he did to men’s personal applications. It was the delight of his soul to relieve misery wherever he found it. Nor did he think his work finished, when he had exercised his ministry in the house of God. He would not cease from labour while the continuance of his labours could be of any essential service. He could indeed have healed her by a word without going to her in person; but he delighted to visit the chambers of affliction. And behold! with what condescension he acted towards her; “he took her by the hand and lifted her up;” he, the Maker and Governor of the universe, administered unto her as if he had been her menial servant! Yet with what authority did he “rebuke” and dispel “the fever!” Who could act thus but God? Instantly did the disease vanish, and instantly did her former strength return; and universal joy succeeded to the tears of sympathy and compassion.]

In what manner she endeavoured to requite this favour we shall see by considering,


The service she rendered him—

We are not to estimate services by the intrinsic worth of them, so much as by the affection manifested in them. In this view her services were as acceptable as any that could be rendered; “she arose and ministered unto them.” By this conduct she unwittingly discovered,

1. The reality of the miracle—

[Had she merely joined her family, the departure of her fever might have been imputed to a fortunate coincidence of circumstances. Nor would they, who ascribed the expulsion of devils to the agency of Beelzebub, have been ashamed to adopt such a sentiment: but, if this had been the case, her body must have still continued in a state of debility; whereas she was able to exert herself as much as before her sickness. This then was an unquestionable proof of the reality of the miracle [Note: Mateus 9:6.]; and she became a witness for Jesus while she intended nothing more than to testify her love towards him.]

2. The goodness of her own heart—

[The hearts of all are, strictly speaking, most “desperately wicked.” But our Lord tells us that “a good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things.” In this sense she discovered much goodness of heart. So far from being puffed up with the favour conferred upon her, she was glad to execute the meanest offices. Her heart glowed with a desire to honour her benefactor: nor was she unmindful of the obligations she owed to those who had assisted her, or interceded for her. She ministered not to him only, but to “them” also. She rejoiced in an opportunity to testify her gratitude to all. How different was this from the conduct of the nine lepers [Note: Lucas 17:17.]! Who does not reprobate them as the basest of mankind? Whereas she did not delay one moment to testify her sense of the mercy vouchsafed unto her. The one thought of her heart was, “What shall I render unto the Lord for all the benefits he hath done unto me [Note: Salmos 116:12]?” O that all were like-minded with her in performing a duty which is so “lovely and of such good report!”]

3. The duty of all who have received mercies from God—

[God is to be acknowledged as much in the blessing given to our food or medicine, as in the more visible effects of his miraculous interpositions. Have we then been preserved in health, or restored from sickness? Surely we stand indebted to God as much as if a miracle had been wrought in our behalf. And shall we be satisfied with making a few cold acknowledgments, and not render any active services to our benefactor? Or shall we pretend that there is nothing that we can do for him? Let us do what our capacity and situation enable us to do. However mean the service, it shall be accepted of him. But if we be too proud to stoop, or too idle to exert ourselves, we violate the plainest law of our nature, and render ourselves unworthy of the Christian name [Note: Unthankfulness to God is specified as the summit of wickedness even in the heathen world, Romanos 1:21.]

The foregoing history may be improved,

In a way of reproof—

[There is not one of us who does not stand indebted to God for an infinite multitude of mercies. But in what manner have we requited him? Perhaps “in the time of trouble we have visited him, and poured out a prayer when his chastening was upon us [Note: Isaías 26:16.].” But no sooner has his rod been removed, than, like metal from the furnace, we have returned to our former hardness. We have resembled the hypocritical Jews, and forgotten all the vows which we made in trouble [Note: Salmos 78:34.]. Ah! what a contrast between us and this pious matron! Let us be ashamed, and humble ourselves before God. Let us remember how awfully Hezekiah was punished for his ingratitude [Note: 2 Crônicas 32:25.]. Let us instantly awake from our lethargy to the discharge of our duty, and “glorify Christ with our bodies and our spirits which are his.”]

2. In a way of consolation—

[Whether we go up to God’s house, or be confined on a bed of sickness, we may have access unto Jesus. He is with us at all times and in every place; and we may go to him with our petitions either for ourselves or others. What a rich source of consolation is this! And have we no disorders, bodily or spiritual, which need his aid? If our body be healthy, is not our soul languishing? Or if we ourselves be lively, have we no friend or relative that is in a sickly condition? Let us then apply to this almighty Physician, and we shall find him as condescending and as gracious as ever. He calls himself by this endearing name, “The Lord that healeth thee [Note: Êxodo 15:26.].” He will “send his word and heal us;” yea, he will strengthen us for the most active and difficult services. Let all of us then surround his throne, and cry with united voices, “Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercy’s sake [Note: Salmos 44:26.].”]

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