Marcos 6:6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Marcos 6:6. And he marvelled because of their unbelief.

ONE would suppose, that those who had the fullest opportunity of knowing the Lord Jesus from his earliest infancy, would have been the first to embrace his salvation, when once it was openly proclaimed to them. But the very reverse of this was the fact. The circumstance of their knowing his family connexions was a ground of offence to them; so that they were more averse to receive him, than others were who had never possessed these advantages. We are not to suppose that this excited real surprise in the bosom of our Saviour; because he knew, from the beginning, that “a Prophet has no honour in his own country. But, as the inspired writers always speak of him as if he had been affected as other men, we are told in my text, “He marvelled because of their unbelief.”
A similar effect is generally produced wherever Christ is preached. His Gospel is but too generally despised by those to whom it is more immediately sent; and it is more sought and valued by those who are somewhat remote from the sphere of its stated ministration. In fact, there are but few, in any place, who embrace it with their whole hearts. In proof of this, I will shew you,

I. What unbelief prevails amongst us—

I grant, that if the name of Christianity were sufficient, we all are Christians. But the slightest observation of what is passing either around us or within us, is sufficient to convince us,

1. How few regard the Lord Jesus Christ with the veneration he deserves—

[As to the bowing of the head or knee at the mention of his name, many will do that, who never bow their hearts to his will, or yield obedience to his commands. If from our inmost souls we regarded him as “Emmanuel, God with us,” how should we fear before him; admiring his person, adoring his love, and magnifying his grace! See how the Cherubim before the throne conduct themselves, whilst incessantly they proclaim his praise [Note: Isaías 6:1. with João 12:41.]: so would it be with us in our daily walk before him, if our faith were such as it ought to be: we should veil our faces as unworthy to behold him; and our feet, as unworthy to serve him; whilst we should yet strive to serve him with all our faculties, both of soul and body.]

2. How few look to him aright for the communication of his saving benefits!

[We see how diseased persons pressed around him in the days of his flesh; and were let down through the roofs of their houses, when no other way of access to him was open to them. But where do we find persons thus earnest in their approaches to him in their secret chambers? The diseases of our souls can be healed by him alone: yet, if we look at our prayers that are offered to him day and night, who has not reason to blush and be ashamed? — — — And whence is this, but from our unbelief, which keeps us from feeling either our need of his mercy, or of his willingness to bestow it.]

3. How few surrender up themselves to him as his devoted servants!

[Behold how the Apostles left their nets, and Matthew the receipt of custom, to attend upon their Lord! So, in heart and spirit, will all his believing people forsake all for him [Note: Lucas 14:33.]. But say, Whether, this be indeed the habit of your lives? Look back to your early days; and trace your conduct up, through successive years, to the present moment, and then declare, whether you have ever risen thus superior to earthly things, and devoted yourselves unreservedly to your Lord and Saviour! This is the proper office and effect of faith [Note: 1 João 5:4.]: and the total want of this fruit argues but too plainly the want of the root from which alone it can proceed.]

This state of things may well excite our wonder; as will appear, whilst I shew,


What reason there is to marvel at it—

Consider, I pray you,

1. With what abundant evidence Christ is set forth amongst you—

[At Nazareth, he appeared as a poor man, of a poor family, in circumstances of extreme want, not having so much as a place where to lay his head. And from his hearers there his future history was veiled, as was also the entire nature of his divine mission. Yet our Lord marvelled at their unbelief. But to you the entire nature of his dispensation is made manifest; and the glory of God, as displayed in it, has been set before your eyes. You see him coming down from heaven, to obey the law which you have broken, and to endure the curse which you have merited; and then rising from the dead, and ascending to heaven, to perfect the work for you. You have beheld the meridian blaze, as it were, of that light, of which they saw but the early dawn. Nay, more; you have seen “the glory of all the Divine perfections concentrated in him, and shining forth in his face [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:6.].” If, then, there was cause for marvel at their unbelief, what must there be at yours? — — —]

2. With what confidence you profess yourselves to be his—

[You would account it a grievous insult, if your right to call yourselves Christians were questioned. Yet, if you will forgive me, I would ask, What are the great mass of you better than baptized heathens? You have been baptized in the name of Christ, it is true; as Simon Magus also was: but, what was he changed by his baptism; or, what are you? What evidence have you that you are “born of the Spirit,” and “made new creatures in Christ Jesus?” And if, in the want of all proof of conversion, you maintain your title to heaven, say whether you be not opposing every declaration of God in his word, and whether there be not reason to marvel at your unbelief?]

3. What important interests you have at stake—

[On your believing in Christ your eternal happiness depends. This, all who receive the Gospel most cordially acknowledge. How comes it, then, that you never take the trouble to examine your state before God, and to try the sincerity of your faith? One would suppose that the thought of eternal happiness in heaven, or of eternal misery in hell, should be sufficient to awaken you to some consideration: but, since nothing of this kind can influence you, we may well marvel at your unbelief — — —]

Know, then,

1. That the Lord Jesus Christ at this very instant marvels at you—

[As sure as he ever marvelled at the Nazarenes in the days of his flesh, so does he now at you. ‘These are the persons for whom I went down from heaven, and for whom I lived and died; yea, and for whose salvation I am yet anxious; as I have shewn, by sending to them the invitations of my word, and the offers of my grace. How strange it is that they should yet remain insensible of all this love! — — — For the Nazarenes there is some excuse; but for these, none at all — — — “O that they were wise, and would consider their latter end!” O that they would turn unto me in this “their day of grace, in this the day of their salvation!” ’]

2. That you will, ere long, marvel at yourselves—

[How strange will it appear to you, the very instant you go hence, that you could ever treat so lightly these overtures of grace! But, alas! the time for remedying that error will be past. If you be in heaven, methinks you would be filled with indignation against yourselves, if indignation could ever enter those mansions of bliss: but, if you be in hell, there will be scope in abundance for this painful feeling; since a retrospect upon the mercies you have abused, and the opportunities you have lost, will constitute the bitterest ingredient of your cup to all eternity. May God so operate on your minds by his grace, that you may now turn to the Lord Jesus with your whole hearts, and become marvellous and stupendous monuments of his mercy for ever and ever!]

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