Salmos 107:1-3

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 107:1. O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; and gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, from the north, and from the south.

THE intent of this psalm appears to be, not merely to display the providence of God as interposing in all the concerns of men, but especially the goodness of God in vouchsafing to hear the prayers of men, and to grant them deliverance in answer to their supplications. This is illustrated under a variety of interesting images. His interpositions are described in behalf of travellers lost, but conducted home in safety; of prisoners rescued from merited captivity; of persons sick and dying, restored to health; of mariners preserved, and brought to their desired haven. But we must not confine our attention to temporal deliverances only; for it is manifest in the very commencement of the psalm that respect is had to the goodness and mercy of God in their most extended operations, and especially in the great work of redemption: for it is “from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south,” that he has already gathered his redeemed people [Note: Mateus 8:11.], and that he will yet gather them into the kingdom of his Messiah [Note: Isaías 43:5; Isaías 56:8.], even “Shiloh, unto whom shall the gathering of the people be [Note: Gênesis 49:10.].” In considering the different images, we might notice both the temporal and spiritual deliverances which they severally refer to: but at present we shall wave all reference to them, and notice only the great work of redemption, as set forth in the words before us; wherein we see,

I. The duty of all to give thanks to God—


1. The grounds of it—

[Wherever we turn our eyes, we cannot but see that “the Lord is good.” Survey the heavenly bodies, and contemplate the benefits derived from them: view the earth with its innumerable productions for the good of man: examine your corporeal frame, and think how every part performs its office for the benefit of the whole: above all, reflect on the powers and faculties of our immortal souls, and mark how by them we are elevated above all the rest of the creation, and fitted for an infinitely higher state of existence in the presence of our God: and then say whether we have not reason to proclaim the goodness of our God — — —

But the “mercy” of our God is yet, if possible, a more stupendous object of admiration; because goodness manifested itself to us in innocence; whereas mercy is exercised towards us under an inconceivable load of guilt. Think how it was displayed to man at first, in promising him a Saviour: think how it wrought in due time, in sending that Saviour into the world, even the eternal Son of God, and in laying all our iniquities on him. Think how it has shewn itself to every individual amongst us, in bearing with all our iniquities, and in following us with offers of a free and full salvation. Think how it has lasted towards the children of men, and how it shall last towards all who embrace its gracious offers. Surely if our minds were affected as they ought to be with this wonderful subject, we should never cease to praise and adore our God — — —]

2. The duty itself—

[“O give thanks unto the Lord” for these things, all of you, old and young, rich and poor, one with another! If there be one amongst us that has not participated in these benefits, we will be content that he shall be silent: but the very circumstance that we are still on mercy’s ground is abundant evidence that we have reason to join in one universal song of praise and thanksgiving. Think of the fallen angels, who never had a Saviour provided for them: think of the millions of the human race who never heard of the Saviour that has been provided for them, or that, having heard of him, have been left to perish in a neglect of his salvation: think of these things, and then, if you can, deny your obligations to the goodness and mercy of your God — — —]
But let us more especially consider,


The peculiar obligations of the redeemed to do so—

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so:” yes, if ye “whom he has delivered out of the hand of the enemy, and gathered to himself,” are silent, “the very stones will cry out against you.” Think,

1. From whence you have been gathered—

[The remotest ends of the earth are not so far from each other, as ye were from God — — — and in this state ye were led captive by the devil at his will — — —]

2. By what means ye were redeemed—

[It was by the precious blood of God’s only dear Son [Note: Efésios 2:13.] — — — It was also by the effectual working of his power: for he, as a good Shepherd, sought you out, and apprehended you, and brought you home on his shoulders rejoicing [Note: Ezequiel 34:12.Lucas 15:5.] — — —]

3. To what ye are brought—

[As the Lord’s redeemed people, ye are brought into a state of peace with God: ye have the privilege of constant communion with him: ye may expect at his hands every blessing which your souls can desire: and ye shall finally posses all the glory and felicity of heaven.
Think now what, in the view of these things, should be the state of your minds. If those who have never yet experienced one of these benefits, have yet abundant reason to celebrate the goodness and mercy of their God, have not ye much more? O “let the redeemed of the Lord say so:” let them sing his praises day and night: let them adore him with their whole hearts — — —]


Those who are yet insensible of God’s goodness—

[Alas! how great a portion of every assembly are comprehended under this description! — — — Well, know ye then that we require no other proof of your perishing condition. Tell us not from what sins ye are free: we will grant all that ye are pleased to say: but we declare you to be blind, ignorant, base, ungrateful creatures: ye have no hearts to adore your God; and therefore if ye die in your present state, ye can never enter into the kingdom of heaven, where the one employment of the blest inhabitants is to sing the praises of redeeming love. If ever ye be truly converted unto God, this new song will be put into your mouths, and be sung by you day and night [Note: Salmos 40:1. with Jeremias 33:11.] — — —]

2. Those who love the blessed work—

[Some there are, and may God increase their number an hundredfold! who delight to bless and praise their God — — — Go on then, dearly Beloved, and abound more and more. Though your songs are as yet but faint, they are truly pleasing in the ears of your reconciled God and Father. This song in particular is grateful to him. Mark what notice he took of it when sung by Solomon [Note: 2 Crônicas 5:13.] — — — So will he come down and fill your souls with his glory — — — Mark also what honour he put upon it when sung by Jehoshaphat [Note: 2 Crônicas 20:21.] — — — So will he defeat all the confederacies, whether of earth or hell, that may be formed against you — — — Sing on then with increasing gratitude, even to the end; and soon shall the golden harp be put into your hands, and you shall join with that heavenly choir in that more perfect song in which they all unite, even in singing. “Salvation to God and to the Lamb for ever and ever.”]

Veja mais explicações de Salmos 107:1-3


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