Contents: The New Paradise and its river of the water of life. The last exhortation of Christ to be ready for His second coming.

Conclusion: The Paradise lost by the first Adam shall be restored by the Second Adam, and in this Paradise there shall be multitudes saved through the Lamb, to behold its beauties and to taste its pleasures forever. Let all men labor to understand the prophecies of these things shortly coming to pass that they might be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus, having embraced His salvation, yea, and earnestly longing and praying for the hour of His appearance. «Even so, come, Lord Jesus.»

Key Word: Imminent return, Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20.

Strong Verses: Revelation 22:3; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:17; Revelation 22:18; Revelation 22:19; Revelation 22:20; Revelation 22:21. Promises: Revelation 22:4; Revelation 22:5; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:14.

Striking Facts: The Bible closes with emphasis on the fidelity of the Scriptures (Revelation 22:6) on salvation by grace the free gift of the Lord Jesus (Revelation 22:17) and on the doctrine of the pre-millennial return of Christ (Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20). The great «peace prayer» of the Bible, and the last prayer of the Bible, is «Come, Lord Jesus,» and Jesus' last recorded words are, «Surely, I come quickly. Amen.» This is the thought He would leave with us. May God open the eyes of every reader to the «blessed hope, the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.» Titus 2:13.


Genesis begins with creation. Revelation ends with the New Creation.

In Genesis we have the first Sabbath. Revelation closes with the holy rest in the new creation.

Genesis gives us the first Adam, head of the old humanity. Revelation leaves us with the second Adam, head of the new humanity.

Genesis gives us Eve, the wife of the first Adam, sinning, condemned and sorrowing. Revelation leaves us with the second Eve, the Bride of Christ, exalted, holy and glorious.

In Genesis we have exclusion from the tree of life. Revelation leaves us with access to it and authority over it.

In Genesis we have an earth cursed. In Revelation we have the earth fully delivered from the curse.

Genesis gives us Satan tempting and bruising. In Revelation we leave him bruised and in the lake of fire forever.

In Genesis we have the first sob and tear. In Revelation all tears and sighing are forever gone.

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