Isaías 49:14 a Isaías 50:3 . La consolación de Sión

(i) Isaías 49:14 . En un apóstrofe a Jerusalén, el profeta anuncia el pronto regreso de su población y la reconstrucción de sus lugares desolados. La poesía del pasaje es singularmente hermosa y está cargada de tierna emoción. Sión, la ciudad idealizada, es la esposa de Jehová y la madre de sus habitantes.

Aunque ahora se considera rechazada y estéril ( Isaías 49:14 ), tiene la seguridad del amor inmutable de su Dios ( Isaías 49:15 ) que pronto se manifestará en su restauración al gozo de la maternidad (17 20) . El éxtasis de asombro y deleite con que reconoce y acoge a sus hijos ( Isaías 49:21 ) se opone finamente al cuadro inicial de su desolación y abatimiento.

Note also the contrast between the whole conception and the fate of the "virgin daughter of Babylon" (Isaías 47:8-9).

(ii) Ch. Isaías 49:22 to Isaías 50:3. Three oracles, confirming the promise to Zion.

(1) Isaías 49:22. On a signal from Jehovah the nations shall bring home the scattered children of Zion; nay, their kings and queens shall esteem it an honour to foster the newly-formed community.

(2) Isaías 49:24. No earthly power can interpose between Jehovah and the deliverance of His people; Israel is His lawful prey, and none shall pluck them from Him (see the notes below). In thus representing the deliverance as effected by force, the prophet no doubt has in view the one nation that would not obey the signal of Isaías 49:22.

(3) Isaías 50:1-3. Lastly, there exists no legal impediment to the redemption of Israel; Jehovah has issued no sentence of formal rejection against His people, nor has anyone acquired the rights of a creditor over them (Isaías 49:1). He therefore expresses surprise that there is so little response to the promise of salvation, so little faith in His almighty power.

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