Isaías 49:1-6

El discurso del Siervo a las naciones. El pasaje forma la continuación natural del cap. Isaías 42:1-4 , y añade algunas características nuevas al retrato que allí se presenta. (1) El Siervo, hablando ahora en su propio nombre, expresa su conciencia de la misión que le ha sido encomendada por Jehová... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:1-3

El llamado y equipamiento del Siervo por parte de Jehová. Se dirige a las naciones del mundo, porque a ellas les concierne el gran anuncio que tiene que hacer el orador ( Isaías 49:6Aunque Jeremías ya había sido consciente de ser un "profeta de las naciones" ( Jeremias 1:5 ), la autoconciencia aquí... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:1-13

Isaías 49:1-13 . El Siervo de Jehová: su fidelidad en medio del desánimo y el éxito final de su misión El comienzo del cap. 49 parece marcar un claro avance en el desarrollo de las concepciones del profeta. “Desaparece el tono polémico, las repetidas comparaciones entre Jehová y los ídolos, con los... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:2

The Servant is described as one prepared in secret for his great work. He compares himself to a weapon fashioned by Jehovah for His own use, but kept in reserve till the fulness of time. As the ideal prophet, he speaks of his _mouth_, the organ of prophetic utterance (see Jeremias 1:9; Isaías 6:7),... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:3

The word _Israel_may be read either as a vocative or as a continuation of the predicate: "(Thou art) Israel &c." (see R.V.). On either view it presents insuperable difficulties to those who hold that the Servant is an individual. To say that as the supreme personage of Israel's history he receives t... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:4

Although cast down for a moment by his want of success, he does not yield to despondency (cf. Isaías 42:4), but leaves his cause in the hands of God. _Then I said_ R.V. BUT I SAID (with a certain emphasis on the "I"). _my judgment_ i.e. "my right," as in ch. Isaías 40:27. _my work_should be MY REC... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:5,6

The Servant's faith is rewarded by the revelation of a loftier mission than he had heretofore been conscious of. _though Israel be not gathered_ R.V. "and that Israel be gathered unto him." We have here the same confusion between _lô"_(not) and _lô_(to him) as in ch. Isaías 9:3. The verb for "gathe... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:6

_And he said_ resuming the sentence begun in Isaías 49:5. R.V. "Yea, he saith." _It is a light thing &c._ Better as R.V. IT IS TOO LIGHT A THING &c. But the literal translation probably is, "It is too light for thy being a servant to me that thou shouldst raise up" &c., i.e. "To restore Israel is t... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:7

Israel shall be raised from the deepest degradation to the highest honour. The verse is remarkable as anticipating the main idea of ch. Isa 52:13 53:15. _to him whom man despiseth_ Lit. TO THE DESPISED OF SOUL; i.e. "to one who is heartily despised," the "soul" being the seat of emotion. Comp. Salm... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:7-12

The Servant's account of his calling forms the basis of a series of promises; Isaías 49:7 referring to his influence on the nations, and Isaías 49:8 to the narrower sphere of his activity, the restoration of Israel.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:8

_In an acceptable time_ Better: IN A SEASON OF FAVOUR. Cf. ch. Isaías 41:2, and the citation in 2 Corintios 6:2. _for a covenant of the people_ See on ch. Isaías 42:6. _to establish the earth &c._ Render: TO RESTORE (see Isaías 49:6) THE LAND (of Israel), TO ALLOT (Deuteronomio 21:16) THE DESOLATE... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:9

That _thou mayest say_ Rather, SAYING (R.V.) or possibly (continuing the previous infs.) "To say." _the prisoners_… them _that_are _in darkness_ i.e. the exiles; cf. Isaías 42:7. The second half of the verse introduces a new figure, that of the flock, (see ch. Isaías 40:11) led by Jehovah, the Good... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:10

_neither shall the heat … smite them_ The word for _heat_should probably be rendered THE HOT WIND (Sirocco; LXX., καύσων). It is often taken to denote the mirage (see on ch. Isaías 35:7), but that meaning is unsuitable here on account of the verb "smite.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:11

The expression _my mountains_is difficult. An allusion to the mere fact of creation is not natural, and to understand it of the mountains of Palestine (as in ch. Isaías 14:25) would limit the image to the last stage of the return journey. Possibly the text should be amended so as to read "mountains... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:12

El regreso de los exiliados de las partes más distantes de la tierra. _estos de la tierra de Sinim_ ( LOS SINITAS )] La última palabra es un enigma sin esperanza. Como el único nombre propio en el verso, el escritor debe haber tenido alguna razón especial para mencionarlo; y la única razón que pued... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:13

La conclusión lírica del pasaje sobre el Siervo, en parte parecida al cap. Isaías 44:23 . _sus afligidos_ Ver com. Isaías 41:17 .... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:14

_Pero Sion dijo que_ Sion es la ciudad de Jerusalén personificada (cf. Isaías 49:16 ) y, por una figura común del AT, concebida como la madre de los ciudadanos (ver más adelante Isaías 49:21 ). Esta es sin duda la principal referencia de la figura, pero como la ciudad deriva su significado religioso... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:14-26

Isaías 49:14 a Isaías 50:3 . La consolación de Sión (i) Isaías 49:14 . En un apóstrofe a Jerusalén, el profeta anuncia el pronto regreso de su población y la reconstrucción de sus lugares desolados. La poesía del pasaje es singularmente hermosa y está cargada de tierna emoción. Sión, la ciudad idea... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:15

Jehovah's remembrance of Zion is more enduring than the strongest human affection. Even a mother's pity for an infant may fail. _yea, they may forget_ Or, SHOULD EVEN THESE FORGET (Cheyne). _yet will I not forget thee_ See on ch. Isaías 44:21.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:16

_I have graven thee_ Not the name merely but the picture of the city, as the next clause shews. _Thy walls_may refer to the ruined walls with their mute appeal to Jehovah's compassion, or to the plan of the new walls, which reminds Him of His purpose to rebuild them. The latter is more likely. _upo... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:17,18

Already in vision the prophet sees the return of the exiles and calls on Zion to welcome her sons. Instead of _Thy children_the chief ancient Versions, and the important Babylonian Codex have "Thy builders" (בֹּנַיִךְ for בָּנַיךְ), a sense which is recommended both by the antithesis to "thy destro... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:18

As _I live, saith the Lord_ Jehovah's oath by Himself, ch. Isaías 45:23. It introduces a new, though closely related, conception; the inhabitants being compared to the bridal attire with which Zion replaces the signs of her widowhood. _bind them_on thee] Strictly GIRD THEM ON. The verb is connected... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:19

_For_ AS FOR _thy waste and thy desolate places and_ THY _land_ THAT HATH BEEN DESTROYED, SURELY _now_ SHALT THOU _be too_ STRAIT FOR _the inhabitants, &c._ So R.V. But there appears to be some textual disorder, the subjects in the first half of the verse having no predicate. The R.V. gets over the... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:19,20

In place of her present solitude, the ideal Zion shall yet look down on a densely peopled city, whose inhabitants are embarrassed for want of room.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:20

_The children … other_ Lit. THE SONS OF THY BEREAVEMENT, i.e. those born to thee in the time of thy bereavement (see Isaías 49:21). SHALL YET SAY _in thine ears_ The mother overhears the talk of her vigorous and enterprising offspring. _the place is too strait for me_ Cf. 2 Reyes 6:1. _Give place... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:21

Zion is bewildered at finding herself once more "a joyful mother of children" (Salmo 113:9). _Who hath begotten_ Rather, WHO HATH BORNE (in spite of the masculine gender of the verb). The peculiar figure is probably to be explained by the custom illustrated in Génesis 16:1 ff; Génesis 30:1 ff., &c.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:22,23

The first of the three short oracles describes the restoration of the exiles as a spontaneous act of homage on the part of the Gentiles. The conception is intermediate between that of ch. Isaías 45:14 ff., where the nations acknowledge the divinity of Jehovah and the religious supremacy of Israel, a... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:23

_thy nursing fathers_ THY GUARDIANS; i.e. of course, the guardians of her children (in spite of ch. Isaías 60:16); see Num 11:12; 2 Reyes 10:1; Ester 2:7 &c. The figure appears to express the permanent relation of the kingdoms of the world to the glorified people of God. _lick up the dust of thy fee... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:24

_from the mighty_ FROM A HERO. _the lawful captive_ lit. THE CAPTIVITY (captives) OF A RIGHTEOUS ONE. This is the only sense that the phrase will properly bear; all the attempts to construe it otherwise are futile. Many authorities, however, adopt the reading of the Pesh. and Vulg. (עריץ instead of... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:24-26

The emancipation of Israel is here regarded as having to be effected by force, and Jehovah pledges His omnipotence to the task. The bright picture of Isaías 49:22 does not touch the gravest difficulty of the situation, the formidable power and settled hostility of Babylon.... [ Seguir leyendo ]

Isaías 49:26

_¿Les daré de comer eso? &C. _Mejor: HARÉ QUE TUS OPRESORES (los caldeos) COMAN SU PROPIA CARNE (cf. cap. Isaías 9:20 ; Zacarías 11:9 ). Los enemigos de Sión serán consumidos por la guerra intestina, una representación escatológica común ( Ezequiel 38:21 ; Hageo 2:22 ; Zacarías 14:13 ). _y toda car... [ Seguir leyendo ]

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