In consequence of this deliverance Israel will know that Jehovah is its God, dwelling in its midst, and ready to succour it; Jerusalem also will no more be defiled by the presence in it of strangers.

And ye shall know that Iam Jehovah your God Cf. Ezequiel 38:23; Ezequiel 39:6-7; Ezequiel 39:22; Ezequiel 39:28: and comp. on Joel 2:27.

dwelling in Zion Isaías 8:18, &c.: synonymous with -in the midst of Israel," Joel 2:27.

and Jerusalem shall be holy, &c. Cf. Nahúm 1:15; Isaías 52:1 b. Israel's foes being annihilated, there will no more be any heathen to force their way into the holy city, and defile it.

strangers members of an alien race, who have no share in Israel or its privileges, and who do not care for them. The word has often this sense, as Oseas 7:6; Jeremias 30:8; Ezequiel 7:21; Ezequiel 11:9.

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