O Israel, thou hast sinned from the days of Gibeah This is not the first of thy sinning, O Israel, for long ago there was the greatest corruption of manners, and the most flagrant wickedness in Gibeah; and thou hast continued to be wicked ever since that time: see Jueces 19. Some render the words, Thou hast sinned more than in the days of Gibeah. Thou hast been guilty of more atrocious crimes than that committed in that place. There That is, upon that occasion, namely, the quarrel with the tribe of Benjamin, on account of the outrage of the men of Gibeah. They stood Israel stood there in array, prepared for the attack. This relates to the war which the rest of the Israelites made against the Benjamites, because they would not deliver up the men of Gibeah, who had so shamefully and cruelly abused the Levite's concubine: see Jueces 20.

La batalla en Guibeá, etc., no los alcanzó. Por ellos aquí se entiende no los hijos de iniquidad, sino los israelitas que guerrearon contra los benjamitas, porque no entregarían a estos pecadores; y el sentido de la expresión, la batalla no los alcanzó , es que no fueron vencidos en este su intento de infligir un castigo justo a los perpetradores de una flagrante iniquidad; porque, aunque fueron vencidos en dos batallas, sin embargo, al final obtuvieron una victoria completa, y cortaron a todos los benjamitas excepto a seiscientos: ver notas sobre Jueces 20 .

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