Atos 19:15

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 19:15. And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?

GREAT effects are wrought by the Gospel, wherever it is preached with faithfulness and zeal: churches are filled, sinners are awakened, saints are edified, and the name of the Lord Jesus is magnified. But, in those who feel not its influence, there is an universal proneness to ascribe these effects to other causes than those from which they really proceed. Some consider them as arising from the manner in which the preacher addresses his audience; from the loudness of his voice, for instance, or from the earnestness of his gestures: others ascribe them to the enthusiastic sentiments with which his discourses are filled, or perhaps to the terribleness of his denunciations. Any reason, however absurd, will be resorted to by them, rather than they will acknowledge the hand of God in these things. Thus it was in the days of old: when our blessed Lord cast out devils from people who were possessed, the spectators ascribed his works to a confederacy with Satan, rather than to the agency of the Spirit of God. In like manner, when his Apostles cast out devils in his name, many supposed that they wrought their miracles by means of magical incantations. Hence some, and, in particular, seven sons of a Jewish priest, thought by the use of the name of Jesus to produce the same effects. But Satan soon shewed them their mistake; infusing a more than human strength and courage into the man whom he possessed, and falling upon the seven exorcists with such irresistible fury, as to convince all, that he could be vanquished only by an almighty arm. His address of defiance, which we have just read, will lead me to set before you,

I. The power of Christ and his Gospel—

When Satan had prevailed over our first parents, a promise was given that the Son of God should become incarnate, and bruise the head of that serpent that had beguiled them [Note: Gênesis 3:15.]. Accordingly, Christ came in due season to effect for men the promised deliverance: and he accomplished it,

1. Personally—

[The first encounter which he had with our great adversary was in the wilderness, just previous to his entering upon his public labours; and there, after withstanding his repeated assaults, he drove him, as it were, from the field of battle, saying, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” During the course of his ministry, he exerted an irresistible power over this wicked fiend, expelling him from multitudes whom he had possessed, and constraining him to confess himself a vanquished enemy [Note: Marcos 1:27.]. Towards the close of his life he experienced the yet fiercer assaults of Satan, attended by all the hosts of hell: “This,” says our Lord to the Jews, “is your hour, and the power of darkness:” but he triumphed over them, agreeably to that word, “Now shall the prince of this world be cast out;” now shall “the prince of this world be judged [Note: João 12:31; João 16:11.].” Upon the cross indeed he appeared to suffer a defeat: but there, and there chiefly, he gained the victory: “through death he overcame him that had the power of death, that is, the devil [Note: Hebreus 2:14.];” yea, upon the cross, “he spoiled principalities and powers, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it [Note: Colossenses 2:15.].” In his resurrection and ascension he completed his triumphs, “leading captivity captive [Note: Efésios 4:8.],” and “putting all his enemies under his feet [Note: Salmos 110:1.].”]

2. By the ministry of others—

[When first our blessed Lord sent forth his twelve Apostles, he gave them a commission, not to preach only, but to “cast out devils [Note: Marcos 3:14.]:” and to such an extent did they execute this, that they were quite surprised, and said with wonder, “Lord, even the devils are subject to us through thy name:” to which our Lord replied, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven [Note: Lucas 10:17.].” We have lately seen that St. Paul cast out a spirit of divination [Note: Atos 16:18.]; and in the chapter from whence our text is taken, we are told, that handkerchiefs or aprons were carried from the body of Paul, and were made effectual by the power of God to the casting out of many evil spirits [Note: ver. 12.]. In ejecting them from the souls of men he was more honoured than any other of the Apostles. When first he received a commission to preach the Gospel, it was said to him by our Lord, “I send thee to turn men from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God [Note: Atos 26:18.]:” and how successful he was in destroying Satan’s empire, and in enlarging the kingdom of Christ upon earth, his history, as recorded in the New Testament, together with his different epistles, abundantly testify. For many hundreds of years, it must be confessed, this great adversary of God and man has re-established his dominion almost over the whole world, as well where Christ is named, as in those regions where the light of his Gospel has never shined. But still the Lord Jesus has not left himself without witness, that he has vanquished Satan, and can render the weakest of his people victorious over him: “his word is yet quick and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword;” and it is still as “mighty as ever to pull down the strong-holds of sin, and to cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:4.].” Indeed at this very hour the Lord Jesus is “riding on in the chariot of the everlasting Gospel, conquering and to conquer;” so that Satan must still repeat his former acknowledgment, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know:” yes, he does know, that Christ is “Lord of lords and King of kings,” and that “his Gospel is still the power of God unto the salvation” of men.]

But though Christ and his Gospel are so powerful, experience proves,


The insufficiency of all created power to eject Satan—

None but that stronger man, the Lord Jesus, has ever been able to prevail against “the strong man armed:” Till attacked by the Lord Jesus, “Satan keepeth his goods in peace:” He defies,

1. All false religions—

[Go back to the days of old; What was effected by any of the philosophers of Greece or Rome? They did not even themselves experience a sanctifying efficacy from their own doctrines: and much less did they prevail to destroy the power of Satan in the hearts of their disciples. Look at the votaries of Pagan idolatry, or Mahometan delusion: What evidence do they shew that their principles have made them victorious over Satan? We may safely affirm, that the very means which they use for obtaining the Divine favour, serve only to rivet on them more forcibly those chains of Satan wherewith they are bound — — —]

2. A nominal profession of the true religion—

[The Lord Jesus did, for wise and gracious purposes, suffer many to “cast out devils in his name,” whom yet he will banish from his presence in the day of judgment, and exclude for ever from his heavenly kingdom [Note: Mateus 7:22.]. But never did any person cast out Satan from his heart by merely naming the name of Christ. We need only look on the Christian world, and we shall see how little a mere profession of Christianity can effect. The generality of Christians are in reality little better than baptized heathens. There are some few points of morality in which they may differ from the heathen; but in all the more common sins, of pride, lewdness, covetousness, together with the whole band of spiritual and fleshly lusts, they are as much enslaved by them as any heathen can be. In proof of this, we need not cast our eyes on others: we need only inspect the workings of our own hearts, and we shall have abundant evidence of this melancholy truth — — —]

3. All self-righteousness or self-confident exertions—

[To these men generally resort in the first instance, when they desire to overcome this wicked fiend. But he derides their efforts as weak and vain: he well knows that human power, however strenuously exerted, will prove only like Elisha’s staff, which could not re-animate the breathless corpse on which it was laid [Note: 2 Reis 4:31.]. To all such efforts he says in his heart, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?” It should seem indeed, that men, feeling the authority of God’s law, and the terrors of his wrath, should be able to effect any thing: but our arm is paralysed, and we cannot stretch it forth, unless the Lord Jesus Christ himself enable us. Hence we are told, that “what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sent his own Son to effect, namely, to condemn sin in the flesh, and to cause that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us [Note: Romanos 8:3.].” We need only call to mind the case of Peter, to convince us, that our strongest resolutions are only as tow before the fire, when we are under the influence of any violent temptation; and that, unless the Lord Jesus strengthen our faith, Satan will sift us as wheat, and manifest us to be light as chaff.]


In this subject all are interested: for though the states of men are widely different from each other, we all have to do with this great enemy, as captivated by him, or conflicting with him, or victorious over him. We will address ourselves therefore to these different classes: to,

1. The captivated—

[But where shall we find any of this description? We read indeed in the Scriptures, of some who are “taken in the snare of the devil, and are led captive by him at his will [Note: 2 Timóteo 2:26.]:” but are there any such in our day? The idea of Satanic influence is almost expunged from modern creeds: but if we believe the Bible, we must believe that this influence still operates on the minds of men. Would we know whether it is exerted over us? it will be no difficult matter to determine this. Are we disobedient, wilfully and habitually disobedient, to any one command of God? it is Satan that instigates us to that rebellion [Note: Efésios 2:2.]. Are we ignorant of the Gospel as our one source of life, and peace, and holiness? it is Satan that blinds our eyes, and keeps us from beholding the light of the knowledge of the glory of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 4:4.]. Consult then the experience of your souls on these points: inquire into the liveliness of your faith, and the conformity of your practice to the word of God; and, unless you have been truly converted by the grace of Christ, you will be constrained to acknowledge, that you are under the power of that cruel adversary. View then your state, and see how deplorable it is: the condition of that poor demoniac mentioned by St. Mark, is a melancholy picture of yours, who are breaking through all the restraints of God’s holy law, and inflicting the most deadly wounds upon your own souls [Note: Marcos 5:2.]. O beg of God to shew you what a miserable state you are in, and to interpose with his almighty power for your speedy deliverance.]

2. The conflicting—

[To those amongst us who have commenced a warfare against sin and Satan, we would particularly say, Remember where your strength is: it is not in yourselves: you “have not in yourselves a sufficiency even to think a good thought:” “your sufficiency is altogether in God,” and in the Lord Jesus Christ, “without whom you can do nothing [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:5.João 15:5.].” Hear the voice of God to you on this subject; “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts [Note: Zacarias 4:6.].” Be on your guard then, “lest ye lean to your own understanding,” or “trust,” even in the smallest degree, “in an arm of flesh.” You are indeed to “be strong;” but it must be “in the Lord, and in the power of his might [Note: Efésios 6:10.].” You are to go forth armed; but not in armour framed by human skill; that would be to you as useless as Saul’s armour was to David: there is a whole suit of armour provided for you by God; and in that you must be clothed [Note: Efésios 6:11.]: arrayed in that, and especially taking with you the shield of faith, and the sword of the Spirit, you need not fear: Satan well “knows” the power of soldiers thus arrayed; and “he will flee from those who thus resist him [Note: Tiago 4:7.].” Inquire of those who are now triumphant in heaven; and ask them, how they gained the victory. The answer from every one of them will be, “We overcame him by the blood of the Lamb [Note: Apocalipse 12:11.]:” we trusted to that blood, to “obtain mercy for us, and grace to help us in every time of need:” and we were not disappointed of our hope: we fought; we gained the victory; and “Satan was in due time bruised under our feet.”]

3. The victorious—

[It may seem presumptuous to speak of such in this present world; but such there are, and such, we trust, amongst us [Note: 1 João 2:14; 1 João 5:18.]. We do not indeed imagine that there are any, against whom Satan does not sometimes gain advantage; but we are persuaded that there are some amongst us who maintain a good, and a successful warfare. To such then we say, If God has made you to differ from others, give glory to that adorable Saviour, who has strengthened you by his Spirit, and enabled you to withstand so potent an enemy. To this you are called by the history before us. The failure of these presumptuous exorcists served to illustrate more fully the success of the Apostle, in and by whom the Lord Jesus wrought: and you are told, “The name of the Lord Jesus was magnified [Note: ver. 17.].” Magnify then your Saviour for every victory you gain, and say, “Not unto us, not unto us, but unto thy name be the praise.” And, if you see others victorious around you, be not envious of them, because they are not of your sect or party,-as the Apostles once were [Note: Lucas 9:49.]; but rejoice with them, and glorify God in their behalf.

But, however victorious you are, remember that you are still on the field of battle, and may, if off your guard, receive the most deadly wounds. We read of those, “whose hearts, once delivered from an evil spirit, were again occupied by seven other spirits more wicked than he; and whose last end was therefore worse than their beginning [Note: Lucas 11:24.].” O beware, lest at last it prove thus with you! Be ever on the watch, guarding against the wiles and devices of your subtle enemy, and crying mightily to God to protect you from him.

Learn from the people who beheld the miracles of Paul: they did not put their impious books upon a shelf, but “burned them,” and that publicly too, without any regard to their great value; determining that they should never more prove a snare to themselves, or to any other persons [Note: ver. 18, 19.]. Deal ye thus with your besetting sins: spare not one of them, no, not for an hour; but cut off the offending hand, and pluck out the offending eye. Then shall you have daily fresh cause for praise and thanksgiving [Note: Romanos 7:24.], and ere long obtain that crown of righteousness, which God has promised to all his faithful and victorious servants [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:8; Apocalipse 3:21.]

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