Números 23:7-10

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Números 23:7. And he took up his parable, and said, Balak, the king of Moab, hath brought me from Aram, out of the mountains of the East, saying, Come, curse me Jacob; and come, defy Israel. How shall I curse whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy whom the Lord hath not defied? For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations. Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of Israel? Let me die the death of the righteous; and let my last end be like his!

IT is scarcely to be conceived to what a degree superstition will blind the eyes of men. There is nothing so absurd or incredible, which a person under the influence of it is not ready to believe. Who would imagine that persons could be brought to believe the infallibility of the Pope, and the power of the Popish priests to forgive sin? Who would suppose that any person could be brought to believe, that a priest is able to convert bread and wine into the body and soul, yea, and into the Godhead also, of Christ; and that every individual who partakes of that bread and wine, eats and drinks the whole body, the whole soul, and the whole Godhead of Christ? Yet these things are credited by millions of persons, as firmly as they believe that there is a God.
Were it not that we have such evidence of the power of superstition in later ages, we should scarcely conceive, that any Being endowed with reason would act like Balak, when he sent for Balaam to curse Israel. How could he entertain such a foolish thought, as that Balaam should be able to inflict a curse upon the whole Israelitish nation, so as to ensure the conquest of them to the king of Moab? Yet this superstition obtained, not only there, and at that time, but fifteen hundred years afterwards at Rome also, where there was an officer expressly appointed to imprecate curses on their enemies.
How little it was in the power of Balaam to effect, we see in every renewed attempt that he made. So far from being able to inflict a curse on Israel, he was not able even to denounce one: for God overruled and constrained him to bless the people whom he desired to curse.

Having offered seven bullocks and seven rams on as many altars, he came to Balak, who was anxiously expecting the accomplishment of his wishes. But, behold, the man on whose power he relied to curse Israel, was constrained explicitly to declare,

I. Their security—

Balaam acknowledges that it was not in his power to curse them: and declares that, instead of being vanquished by Balak, they should prevail against every enemy, and be a peculiar people to the end of time.

This has ever since been verified in relation to those who are Israelites after the flesh

[That nation did prevail over their enemies; did get possession of Canaan; did maintain it against all their enemies, till, for their iniquities, God sent them into captivity in Babylon. Yet even there did they retain their peculiarities: yea, even at this day, though dispersed through every country under heaven, they are as much a peculiar people as ever. Other nations, when vanquished and dispersed, have become incorporated with their victors, and been assimilated to the people amongst whom they have dwelt: but the Jews in every country are still a distinct people: and are living witnesses of the truth of this prophecy.]
It is no less verified in relation to the spiritual Israel

[Every blessing promised to Abraham and his natural seed was, in a spiritual sense, made also to his spiritual seed. The Gospel itself, with all the blessings of salvation, was contained in that promise, “In thy seed shall all nations be “blessed [Note: Gálatas 3:8.].” It is evident, moreover, that Balaam himself was instructed of God to prophesy of persons under the gospel dispensation, even of those who should be the subjects of the Lord Jesus Christ [Note: Números 24:17.]. Now they are indeed a peculiar people [Note: Êxodo 19:5; 1 Pedro 2:9.]:” they “dwell alone:” “though in the world, they are not of the world, even as Christ himself was not of the world [Note: João 17:14; João 17:16.]:” they “are not conformed to it;” “they come out from it and are separate;” they can “have no more communion with it, than light can have with darkness, or Christ with Belial.” They dwell in the midst of enemies, amongst whom they are “men wondered at.” Wherever they are, they are, and ever have been, in a greater or less degree, objects of hatred and persecution. Every possible method has been used to extirpate them; but no enemy has ever been able to prevail against them. They are still, and ever shall be, monuments of God’s power, and objects of his love.]


Their increase—

The Israelites, as a nation, became very numerous—
[At the time that Balaam saw them, they probably amounted to two millions: but after their settlement in Canaan they multiplied exceedingly, so as to fulfil the promise made to Abraham [Note: Gênesis 28:14.], and to justify the declaration in the text.]

But the true Israel shall indeed he “as the dust of the earth”—

[In the first ages of Christianity they were spread over the whole Roman empire: and though we acknowledge that hitherto they have not been numerous, when compared with their enemies, yet we are assured, that they shall in due time cover the earth as the waters cover the sea, and for the space of a thousand years fill the whole earth. And, if we consider how they will multiply when wars shall cease, when the diseases arising from men’s folly and wickedness shall be removed, and “the man dying at an hundred years old shall be considered but a child” brought to an untimely end [Note: Isaías 65:20.]; we may well imagine, that their numbers shall far exceed that of all who have perished in their sins. We are sure at all events, that, in the last day, they shall be “a multitude, which no man can number, out of every nation, and kindred, and people, and tongue;” and that they shall join together in everlasting hallelujahs, “saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb [Note: Apocalipse 7:10.]!” O blessed period! May “God hasten it, in His time!”]


Their happiness—

Balaam proclaims them happy also in their eternal state—
[Here he must refer to those who were the true Israelites; since an ungodly Jew can no more be saved, than an ungodly heathen. And it is worthy of notice, how strongly he asserts the happiness of the godly in a future world. He looked forward to their future state: he saw them distinguished from the ungodly; he saw, that, however they might be involved in the calamities of the wicked here, they would be translated by death to a state of endless felicity: hence he envied them, and desired to have “his last end like theirs.”]

And truly in this view they are objects of envy to the whole world—
[The wish that Balaam expressed is the wish of every man, even of the most abandoned. There is no one living under the light of the Gospel, but feels an inward persuasion that God will put a difference between the righteous and the wicked. However much he may hate the persons of the godly, he envies their state; and has at some time the thought arising in his mind, ‘If I were now to die, I should be glad to be found in your state.’ And well may this be the case, seeing that God has prepared for them “such good things as pass man’s understanding” — — —Were it not for their future prospects, they would be rather in a pitiable condition, especially in seasons of bitter persecution [Note: 1 Coríntios 15:19. ἐλεεινότεροι.]: but, with such hopes before them, they can be in no condition whatever, wherein they are not greatly to be envied — — —]

To improve this subject, we shall add a word,

Of warning—

[Balaam by all his efforts could not prevail on God to reverse his word respecting Israel: on the contrary, the word which he delivered by God’s command has been fulfilled to them in all ages. And shall not what God hath spoken both here and elsewhere, respecting the end of the righteous and the wicked, be fulfilled? Shall any man die the death of the righteous, if he will not live his life; or shall he attain his end without walking in his way? If God has declared that he will “put a difference between those who serve him, and those who serve him not,” who shall prevail upon him to change his mind? or “who shall harden himself against him, and prosper?” O, think of this, beloved, and buoy not up yourselves with unfounded expectations: for “God is not a man that he should lie, or the son of man that he should repent.”]

2. Of consolation—

[Little did Israel know what plots were formed against them: but God knew, and counteracted them all. Thus it is with God’s Israel now. Both men and devils are confederate against them: Satan especially, “like a roaring lion, goeth about seeking, if possible, to devour them:” but God overrules all their devices for good, and gives us a blessing where they would have sent a curse. He has promised, that “no weapon that is formed against us shall prosper:” and he will fulfil it even to the end: he will “keep us by his own power through faith unto everlasting salvation.” Let us then not say, A confederacy, a confederacy; but let us “sanctify the Lord God in our hearts, and make him our fear, and him our dread.” He will be “a wall of fire round about us, and the glory in the midst of us:” he will keep us even as the apple of his eye: nor “shall any one who trusts in him, ever be ashamed or confounded world without end.” As Balaam could not prevail against Israel of old, so “not all the gates of hell shall prevail against us.” Only put your trust in God, and you may, in the language of the Apostle, defy the whole universe to “separate you from the love of God [Note: Romanos 8:35.].”]

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