Salmos 36:2

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 36:2. He flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful.

IT may well astonish us to see how careless and indifferent men are about the favour of God. But the Psalmist assigns the true reason for it. Every one cherishes in his mind some delusion, whereby he lulls his conscience asleep; and thus, notwithstanding his guilt and danger, rests satisfied with his state, till God himself interpose, in a way of mercy or of judgment, to undeceive him.
To elucidate his words, we shall,

I. Point out some of the self-flattering delusions which are commonly entertained—

We shall notice some which obtain,

1. Among the careless world—

[They imagine that God does not regard the conduct of his creatures [Note: Jó 22:13.Salmos 94:7. But it is a sad delusion, Provérbios 15:3; 1 Coríntios 4:5.Eclesiastes 12:14.Deuteronômio 29:19.] — — — Or, that he is too merciful to consign them over to everlasting perdition [Note: Sofonias 1:12. 2 Pedro 3:4. But this is also a fatal error, Salmos 9:17 and 2 Pedro 2:4; 2 Pedro 2:9.] — — — Or that, at least, a little repentance will suffice [Note: Repentance is not so small a thing as men suppose. It is nothing less than a thorough renovation of the heart in all its powers; a putting off the old man, and a putting on the new, João 3:3.Efésios 4:22.] — — — Or that, at all events, it is time enough yet to think of turning seriously to God [Note: Atos 24:25. If other delusions have proved fatal to thousands, this has destroyed tens of thousands. The folly of it appears from Tiago 4:14. Lucas 12:20 and Gênesis 6:3.Provérbios 1:24.] — — —]

2. Among those who profess some regard for religion—

[They judge that a moral conduct, with a regular observance of the outward forms of religion, is all that is required [Note: Our Lord warns us against this mistake, Mateus 5:20.] — — — Or, that the embracing of the truths of the Gospel, and joining themselves to the Lord’s people, is a true and scriptural conversion [Note: But what did this avail the Foolish Virgins? Mateus 25:1 or Judas? Mateus 26:21. See also, Mateus 13:30; Mateus 13:40.] — — — Or, that the having, at some former period, had their affections strongly exercised about religious things, is a proof of their present acceptance with God [Note: Such notions are common, Mateus 13:20. but awfully delusive, Hebreus 6:4; 2 Pedro 2:20.] — — — Or, that a present pleasure in religious duties. with a partial mortification of sin, is a sufficient evidence of their sincerity [Note: This is the thought of many, Isaías 58:2.Ezequiel 33:31.Salmos 78:34. But nothing less than an uniform and unreserved obedience to God will prove us to be God’s children 1 João 3:7; Marcos 9:43.] — — —]

But the vanity of these delusions will appear, while we,


Shew when and how they shall be removed—

The eyes of all will sooner or later be opened, and their vain conceits be dissipated—

1. Some will have their errors rectified in conversion

[When the Spirit of God enlightens the mind of man, he scatters the clouds of ignorance and error; and, as far at least as respects the foregoing delusions, guides them into the knowledge of the truth. He shews us, not only that our sins are known to God, but that we are in danger of condemnation on account of them, and that we ought to turn to God instantly, and with our whole hearts [Note: Atos 2:37; Atos 16:30.] — — — He discovers to us also, that no form of godliness, no change of sentiment, no moving of the affections, no partial reformation of the life, will suffice; but that, if we will serve the Lord in truth, we must give up ourselves wholly to him and without reserve [Note: Salmos 18:23 and Hebreus 12:1.] — — — Particularly he makes us to see “the hatefulness” of the most refined hypocrisy, and even of the remains of sin, which, in spite of our most earnest endeavours to destroy it, yet war in our members [Note: Salmos 66:18; Tiago 1:26; Jó 42:6; Romanos 7:21.] — — —]

2. Others will have their misapprehensions removed in condemnation

[Too many, alas! hold fast their delusions in spite of God’s word, and all the merciful or afflictive dispensations of his providence. But, as soon as ever they come into the eternal world, they will be undeceived. The sight of a holy God, together with the hearing of that sentence which their once compassionate, but now indignant Judge will pass upon them; and, above all, the feeling of the torments of hell, will convince them of their mistakes, and leave them no room to doubt, but that the care of the soul was “the one thing needful,” and that every word of God shall be fulfilled in its season — — —]


Confer not with flesh and blood in the concerns of religion—

[All unregenerate men endeavour to bring down the word of God to some standard of their own; and consequently will discourage in us every thing that goes beyond the line which they have drawn for themselves. But, if they deceive us, they cannot afford us any remedy in the eternal world. The word of God is the only standard of right and wrong; and by that we shall be judged in the last day. Let us therefore regulate our sentiments and conduct, not according to the opinions of fallible men, but according to the unerring declarations of God himself. And instead of endeavouring to lower the demands of God to our wishes or attainments, let us labour to raise our practice to the strictest requisitions of God’s law [Note: Filipenses 3:13.]

2. Pray for the teaching of God’s Spirit—

[With deceitful hearts, a subtle adversary, and a tempting world, we are continually in danger: nor can we hope to be guided aright but by the Spirit of the living God. Even the Scriptures themselves will be “a dead letter,” and “a sealed book” to us, unless the Spirit of God open our understandings to understand them. He has promised to lead us into all truth; and if we be really disposed to embrace the truth, he will discover it to us. But if, through our hatred of the light, we shut our eyes against it, God will give us over to our delusions, that we may believe a lie [Note: João 3:19; 2 Tessalonicenses 2:10, and Isaías 66:3.]. Let us therefore guard against self-deception, and submit ourselves to the guidance of God’s Spirit. Then, though our capacities be ever so small, we shall be kept from every fundamental error [Note: Isaías 35:8 and Mateus 11:25.], and be “made wise unto salvation through faith in Christ.”]

3. Seek above all to know the hatefulness of sin—

[Nothing but a discovery of the evil of sin will effectually preserve us from self-deceit. To produce this, is the first saving work of the Spirit: and the more this is wrought in the heart, the more shall we be on our guard against all self-flattering delusions.]

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