Salmos 72:17

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 72:17. His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.

NONE of the Prophets, except Isaiah, have written so copiously and so plainly respecting Christ as David. His prophecies are very frequently referred to in the New Testament; and their accomplishment in Jesus is frequently asserted, incontestably proved, and copiously illustrated. The psalm before us was most probably the last that David penned. It was written at the close of his life, on occasion of Solomon’s coronation. The dying monarch hearing that his son Adonijah had usurped his throne, gave immediate orders that Solomon should be anointed with the holy oil, and placed upon the throne, and be proclaimed king throughout all his dominions; that by this means his oath to Bathsheba, respecting the succession of Solomon, might be fulfilled, and the nation be rescued from the calamities in which a disputed succession might involve it [Note: 1 Reis 1:33.]. The psalm begins with a prayer for Solomon, and proceeds to foretell the peace, glory, extent, duration, and happiness of his government. But beyond, a doubt, a greater than Solomon is here: the Messiah himself is manifestly referred to; and the words of our text must be considered as describing his kingdom:

I. Its perpetuity—

[The names, not of the Jewish monarchs only, but also of many heroes of antiquity, have been handed down to us, and probably will be transmitted to the latest generations. But there are several points of view in which the remembrance of Jesus’ name differs widely from that of any other person whatever.

It is transmitted to us in a way of filiation.—Other names come down to us by means of historic records: but that of our blessed Lord “is continued,” or propagated (as the word means) in the same way as the name of a father is continued in his children. Children were born to him by the preaching of his Gospel; and, after him, were called Christians: from that period, others have risen up, in constant succession, to perpetuate his name: nor shall the line ever be broken: “instead of the fathers there shall be children, who shall make his name to be remembered in all generations [Note: Salmos 45:16; Salmos 145:4.].”

It is heard with the same regard that it ever was.—There was a time when the name of Cζsar or of Alexander made whole nations tremble: but who fears them now? What is their love or their hatred unto us? What is Solomon himself to us? We admire his character; but for his person we have no regard. But it is not thus with the sacred name of jesus. We tremble at it with a holy awe; we love it, as expressing all that is amiable and endearing. We dread his displeasure above all things, and covet his favour more than life itself. And as long as the sun shall continue its course, so long shall the name of Jesus be venerated and adored.

It “endures” in spite of all the endeavours that have been made to blot out the remembrance of it from under heaven.—No sooner was the name of Jesus exalted by the preaching of the Apostles, than the rulers exerted all their power to suppress it: they beat and imprisoned the preachers, and menaced them with yet severer punishment, if they should presume to speak any more in his name [Note: Atos 4:17; Atos 5:28; Atos 5:40.]. Thus also, in all subsequent ages, “the potentates of the earth have taken counsel together against the Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us [Note: Salmos 2:2.].” What name, like that of Jesus, is proscribed at this day? We may descant upon the virtues of ancient sages; and the more light we can throw upon their characters, the more acceptable we shall be in every company: but let us speak of Jesus, let us set forth his transcendent excellencies, and expatiate upon all the wonders of his love, and we shall excite in our hearers nothing but disgust. But has this confederacy prevailed to banish his name? No; rather, “the more his people have been afflicted, the more they have grown and multiplied:” and however earth and hell may combine their efforts to efface his memory, or diminish his influence, “He who sitteth in the heavens shall laugh at them, and have them in derision [Note: Salmos 2:4.].”]


Its excellency—

[The administration of Solomon was attended with great benefit to his people: and such a king as he must be considered as a rich blessing to any nation. But there are many benefits which it is not in the power of any king to communicate. What can a creature do to mitigate our pains, or to rescue us from the dominion of unbridled lusts? It is otherwise with the Lord Jesus: he can impart to his subjects whatever blessings they need, for body or for soul, for time or for eternity. Do we desire the pardon of our sins? We may be “justified freely through his blood [Note: Romanos 5:9.].” Do we long for peace of conscience? He has left it to his subjects as a legacy [Note: João 14:27.], and gives them “a peace which passeth all understanding [Note: Filipenses 4:7.].” Do we stand in need of strength? “Through him we shall be enabled to do all things [Note: Filipenses 4:13.].” Do we extend our desires to all the glory of heaven? “In him we may be saved with an everlasting salvation [Note: Isaías 45:17.].” It is not ufficient to say that the subjects of Christ’s kingdom may be thus blessed; for they actually are so: there is not one in all his dominions who is not thus highly favoured. If we consult the prophets, they declare this uniformly; and represent them all as saying, “In the Lord have I righteousness and strength [Note: Isaías 45:24.].” If we consult the Apostles, they declare, that every blessing we enjoy is “in him, even in him;” yea, that “in him we are blessed with all spiritual and eternal blessings [Note: Efésios 1:3. where it is repeated at least eight times. Strange that any should overlook this truth.].”]


Its universality—

[The greatest monarchs of this world hare had a very limited sway: and many who have been called their subjects have been so rather in name than in reality. But Christ’s dominion shall be strictly and literally universal: “the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ [Note: Apocalipse 11:15.].” Already there are some of all nations who submit to his government. We may go to the most uncultivated parts of the earth, where human nature seems but little elevated above the beasts, and there we shall find some who acknowledge him as their sovereign Lord. But his dominion is certainly at present very limited. There is a time however coming, when “all nations shall call him blessed.” The rich and great shall take upon them his yoke: according as it is said, “All kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him [Note: ver. 10, 11.].” The poor and mean also shall devote themselves to his service, according to that prediction, “Holiness to the Lord shall be written upon the bells of the horses [Note: Zacarias 14:9; Zacarias 14:20].” Thus shall “all know the Lord, from the least even to the greatest [Note: Jeremias 31:34.].” As at this present time all the subjects of his kingdom are blessing and adoring him as the one author of all their happiness, so, at a future period, shall “every knee bow to him, and every tongue confess [Note: Romanos 14:11.];” and “the whole earth shall be filled with his glory [Note: ver. 19.].” But it is not till the day of judgment that the full accomplishment of this prophecy shall be seen. Then “a multitude that no man can number, of all nations and kindreds, and people and tongues, shall stand before him, and cry with united voices, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain! Salvation to our God, and to the Lamb for ever [Note: Apocalipse 5:11; Apocalipse 7:9.]!”]

We cannot more profitably improve this subject, than by inquiring,

What blessings have we received from Christ?

[If we be indeed subjects of his kingdom, it cannot fail but that we must have received many blessings at his hands. Has he then “blessed us” with the pardon of our sins? Has he filled us with joy and peace in believing? Has he endued us with grace and strength to subdue our spiritual enemies? and transformed us into his own image in righteousness and true holiness? This is the criterion whereby we must judge of our interest in him: for he cannot be a Saviour to us, unless he save us from the dominion, as well as from the guilt, of all our sins.]

2. What is the disposition of our minds towards him?

[Can we possibly be partakers of his benefits, and feel no disposition to “bless his name?” Surely a grateful sense of his goodness must characterise those who are so greatly indebted to him. To those who believe, he is, and must be, precious — — —]

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