Salmos 73:23,24

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 73:23. I am continually with thee: Thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.

THERE are in the Holy Scriptures many expressions which are difficult to be reconciled with each other. For instance, the Psalmist, in the very words before my text, says, “So foolish was I and ignorant, I was as a beast before thee.” Yet behold, in the text itself, he speaks as one enjoying the sublimest communion with his God, and possessing a most confident expectation of his favour. Now, how is this to be explained? The fact is, that he had been sorely tempted to envy the ungodly world, when he saw how prosperous they were, in comparison of many of God’s most faithful servants. But when he reflected on “the end” that awaited them, he condemned his former thoughts, as betraying rather the ignorance of a beast than the judgment of a real saint: and then he congratulated himself as elevated far above the most prosperous of ungodly men, in that, whatever he might want in this world, he possessed God himself for his friend, his counsellor, his everlasting portion.
I shall take occasion from these words to consider the saint in,

I. His present experience—

Here we see, the saint with his God, in a way of humble dependence; and his God with him, in a way of effectual support.

1. The saint with his God—

[Numberless are the difficulties with which the Christian is encompassed, whilst yet in himself he has not power to surmount the smallest of them. In fact, he has to wrestle not only with flesh and blood, but with all the principalities and powers of hell itself. What then shall he do? How shall he entertain a hope of a successful issue? He would sit down in utter despair, out that he remembers he has with him, at all times, a Friend, who is almighty, and all-sufficient for him. He has been taught to look unto God as his Father in Christ Jesus: he has been assured, that, since he has fled to Christ for refuge, and sought for reconciliation with God through Him, he is entitled to regard God as a friend, and to commit into his hands his every concern. Hence he becomes composed, in the midst of all his trials; and comforts himself with the reflection, ‘I am continually with my God: I see him ever present with me: confiding in him, I have no fear: it is a small matter to me what confederacies there may be against me: having him at hand, I need no other help: I therefore repose all my confidence on him, and “cast all my care on him”.’]

2. His God with him—

[To enter fully into this idea; conceive of a child passing over rocks where there is scarcely room for his feet; and where the path is so slippery, that it is scarcely possible for him to stand; and where there are precipices on every hand so steep and tremendous, that a single false step must of necessity cause him to be dashed in pieces. Conceive a father guiding his beloved child in all this way; “holding him by his right hand,” that he may not fall; and raising him up, if at any time he have fallen; and preserving him from all the dangers to which he is exposed. Here you see our God with the soul who trusts in him. Not for a moment does he leave the trembling saint: and it is altogether in consequence of this effectual help that any saint in the universe is enabled to pursue his way. Hence every child of God ascribes his safety to him who has thus upheld him; and with unfeigned gratitude exclaims, “My foot standeth fast: in the congregation will I bless the Lord [Note: Salmos 26:12.].”]

In unison with his present experience, are,


His future prospects—

“Knowing in whom he has believed,” he expects—

1. Guidance in all his way—

[In addition to all the difficulties of his journey, he knows not which way he is to pursue. He has a general notion of his path: but an infinite variety of circumstances occur from time to time, to render it difficult to discern which is the way in which it will be best and safest for him to proceed. He is aware that one single step may lead to consequences inconceivably important. Joseph was sent to visit his brethren. The step was good: but oh! to what a diversity of trials did it lead [Note: Gênesis 37:14.]! David also was sent to visit his brethren: hero too the step was good; and from it resulted the victory over Goliath, and the deliverance of Israel from their oppressors [Note: 1 Samuel 17:20.]. In the consciousness that God alone can guide him, he asks counsel of the Lord every step he takes: and God vouchsafes to guide his feet into the way of peace. There are many different means which God is pleased to make use of for the direction of his people: sometimes he guides by his word; sometimes by his Spirit; sometimes by his providence, opening or shutting a door, as is pleasing in his sight: diversifying these as he sees occasion, he accomplishes his gracious ends; just as, in the days of old, he led his people Israel through the trackless wilderness, till they came in safety to the Promised Land.

The entire process may be seen, as it were, realized in actual life. Behold the saint’s desire of counsel, as expressed in the prayers of David [Note: Salmos 143:4.] — — — and mark the accomplishment of that desire in the consolations and encouragements administered to the waiting soul [Note: Isaías 41:10.] — — — And this is exactly what every believing soul is warranted to expect: “I will instruct thee, and teach thee in the way thou shall go: I will guide thee with mine eye [Note: Salmos 32:8.].”]

2. Glory at the end—

[Never will God cease from his offices of love, till he has completed all his gracious purposes, and fulfilled the utmost desires of those who wait upon him. Glory is that to which every soul looks forward, as the consummation of its bliss: that is “the joy that is set before us, the prize of our high calling,” “the recompence of our reward;” and God will not suffer his people to come short of it. “He will fulfil in them all the good pleasure of his goodness,” till the work which has been begun in grace is consummated in glory. Of this St. Paul was confident [Note: Filipenses 1:6.]; and in the prospect of it every believing soul may rejoice, even as if he were already in possession of the full result [Note: Romanos 8:33.] — — —]

See, then, the Christian’s life exhibited before you.

It is,

1. An arduous life—

[The people of the world imagine it an easy thing to get to heaven: but the real saint finds it far otherwise. They glide down the stream in a way of carnal gratification: but he has to go against the stream of corrupt nature, and to stem the tide of a voluptuous world. Were it so easy a matter to serve the Lord, it would never have been characterized by terms which convey so different an idea. The wrestler, the racer, the warrior, find that they have enough to do, in order to obtain a successful issue to their exertions.]

2. An anxious life—

[St. Paul says, “I would have you without carefulness.” But our Lord says, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation.” Unbelieving anxiety is doubtless to be put away: but watchfulness and holy fear are never to be intermitted one single moment. St. Peter knew, by bitter experience, how needful that caution was, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your Adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about, seeking whom he may devour.” It would ill become a man on the borders of eternity to indulge a careless frame of mind. The most eminent saint in the universe should “take heed lest he fall,” and should “walk in the fear of the Lord all the day long.”]

3. A happy life—

[It should seem as if anxiety were inconsistent with happiness. And it would be so, if we knew not where to look for the grace that is needful for us. But the very trials which drive us to our God for help, are the means of drawing forth the succours which God has promised, and of bringing God himself into closer union with us. In truth, it is from such discoveries of the divine character, and such communications of the heavenly grace, that the Believer derives his sublimest pleasures: and he is then most truly happy, when “his fellowship is most intimate with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ [Note: 1 João 1:3.].”]

4. A glorious life—

[To the eye of sense, a Believer is only like a common man, and his walk like that of other men: but to the eye of faith it is not so. A Believer walks with God: his soul is brought into closest union with the Deity. What has been said of a father and a son, does but very faintly convey what actually passes between God and him. There is, on the one part, the entire dependence of his soul on God; and, on the other part, the tender care of a father exercised towards him in every step he takes. Throughout the whole of his life is this continued, till the period has arrived for his being invested with all the glory and felicity of heaven. And is not this a glorious life; ordered as it is by the Father; prepared by the Son; effected by the Holy Spirit; begun in grace; consummated in glory? Think what ye will, this is a glorious life indeed; a life which even an angel might affect; and which is, in some respects, more glorious than that of angels, inasmuch as it is the effect of Redeeming Love, and will issue in louder songs of praise and thanksgiving, than the angels, who never experienced such trials, will ever be able to sing.]

Veja mais explicações de Salmos 73:23,24


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