Salmos 89:15,16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 89:15. Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.

EVERY man by nature desires happiness: but few know where it is to be found. The generality imagine that it will be a sure attendant on earthly prosperity — — — But the Psalmist points out to us its only true source: “There be many that say, who will shew us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us [Note: Salmos 4:6.].” In like manner he instructs us in the text; “Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound.”

In these words the character and blessedness of the Lord’s people are fully declared. Let us consider,

I. Their character—

“The joyful sound” must here import the Gospel—
[In the Gospel a Saviour is revealed, even such a Saviour as our necessities require, a Saviour who has made a full atonement for our sins, and who promises “salvation to all who come unto God by him.” When this Saviour was proclaimed to the shepherds, it was in these memorable terms; “Behold, we bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: for unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord!”
But “the joyful sound” refers to the sound of the trumpets under the law, when the people were convoked to come up to God in the solemn assembly [Note: Números 10:1; Números 10:10.], or when the year of Jubilee was proclaimed [Note: Levítico 25:8.]. On this latter occasion, in particular, it was indeed a joyful sound: for then all persons who had sold their houses and lands, yea, and their wives and children, and their own selves too for bond-slaves, were restored to perfect liberty, and to the full possession of their former inheritance — — — Suppose a person so circumstanced, what a joyful sound would that of the trumpet be to him! — — — Such then is the Gospel to the weary and heavy-laden sinner, when he hears of a free and full salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ — — —]

This “sound” the true Believer “knows”—
[A speculative knowledge of the Gospel is possessed by many who have no personal interest in it, and no desire after its blessings: but the true Believer knows it practically: he has felt its power; he has tasted its sweetness: and he has been brought to a reliance on it for the salvation of his soul. This distinction must be carefully made by us. It is not of a head-knowledge that my text speaks; but of such a knowledge as enters into the heart, and engages all the powers of the soul — — — It is such a knowledge as God alone can impart — — — and all who possess that are truly “blessed,”]

In our text we have a rich description of,


Their blessedness—

They may not have much of this world: but they have much of God: they enjoy,

1. A sweet sense of his love—

[“They walk in the light of his countenance.” This is a privilege of which a worldly man can form no conception: but it is understood, and experienced, by all who enter into the spirit of the Gospel. They can go to God as a Father: they know that he is reconciled towards them in the Son of his love: and with a spirit of adoption they can draw nigh to him, and pour out their hearts before him, and hear him speaking peace unto their souls. In answer to their daily prayers he draws night to them, and “lifts up the light of his countenance upon them,” and “fills them with joy and peace in believing.” Such is their daily “walk” with God, a foretaste of their happiness in the realms of bliss.”]

2. An habitual confidence in his care—

[They are subjected to a variety of circumstances like other men: but they have a Friend to whom they can go on every occasion, and from whom they can receive all such communications as they stand in need of. “The name of the Lord is a strong tower, to which they run and are safe.” His perfections are all exercised in their behalf: and, being their God, he is “a God unto them,” doing for them whatsoever their diversified necessities require. In Him “therefore, even in his name, they rejoice all the day;” spreading before him their every want, and committing to him their every desire. “They know in whom they have believed,” and cast all their care on him who careth for them.”]

3. An assured prospect of his glory—

[In the Gospel the Lord Jesus Christ reveals himself to his people as a complete Saviour, who not only obtains a pardon for them, but has provided also a righteousness, wherein they may stand before God without spot or blemish. To him therefore they look in this view: and on him they rely, as “The Lord their righteousness.” “In this righteousness they are exalted:” they are exalted in their own eyes, being no longer condemned sinners, but saints accepted and justified from all their sins. They are exalted in the eyes of God also; for he now “beholds no iniquity in them:” he views them as one with his dear Son, partakers of his nature, and joint-heirs of his glory. They are exalted also in the eyes of all the angelic hosts, who now delight to minister unto them, and will are long give them the precedence in heaven, and take their station behind them before the throne of God [Note: Apocalipse 7:11.].”

Say now, are not these happy? Yes: and David not only asserts it, but appeals to God himself for the truth of his assertion: “They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance.”]


Those who have no knowledge of this joyful sound—

[How many amongst us are altogether ignorant of the Gospel itself! and, of those who hear it and profess to receive it, how many have no taste for that joy which it is intended to impart! — — — Will you then call yourselves the people of God; or imagine that salvation belongs to you? Know, that “all are not Israel, who are of Israel;” nor are all Christians who bear that name. Whilst you are ignorant of the joyful sound, you can have no part or lot in those blessings which the Gospel is intended to convey.]

2. Those who know the Gospel, but find no blessedness in it—

[There are, I must acknowledge, many of this description. But whence does this arise? Is it owing to any insufficiency in the Gospel to make them happy? No: it proceeds in some cases from a disordered constitution: in others, from imperfect views of the Gospel: and in others, from not walking steadfastly and consistently before God. But from whatever source it arise, I would say, Remember what an injury you do to the Gospel itself, and to the souls of men: the world around you will impute your gloom to religion, and take occasion from it to condemn the Gospel itself as a source of melancholy to all who embrace it. O! brethren, do not so dishonour the Lord Jesus Christ: but view the Gospel in all its freeness and all its fulness, and all its excellency; and rest not till you have attained those rich blessings, which every true Believer is privileged to enjoy.]

3. Those who both know and enjoy the Gospel—

[Happy indeed are ye, even though ye be in all other respects the most destitute and distressed. Let then your gratitude to God evince itself in a suitable life and conversation. As for your joys, the world knows nothing about them; and will therefore impute them to enthusiasm and delusion. But they can understand a holy life: that will approve itself to them as a good and genuine fruit of the Gospel. Let them then see, that this Gospel which makes you happy, makes you holy also. Let them see that it brings into subjection every unhallowed temper, every evil desire. Let them see that in every station and relation of life it elevates you above others, rendering you more amiable, more consistent. In a word, “let your whole conversation be such as becometh the Gospel of Christ;” and, whilst you are made partakers of a felicity which the world knows not of, endeavour to make your light shine before men, that they may be constrained to acknowledge the excellence of your principles, and be led to seek a participation of your bliss.]

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