Salmos 91:14-16

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Salmos 91:14. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

THE Scriptures are the charter of the Christian’s privileges. They contain the most minute and accurate description of his character, and set forth, in all the variety of expression that language can afford, the blessings he enjoys. The declarations concerning him in this Psalm may certainly be interpreted as relating to the Messiah, because when a passage out of it was applied to Christ, he did not deny its reference to himself, but shewed with what limitations the passage was to be understood [Note: Compare ver. 11, 12. with Mateus 4:6.]. That it refers also to the church cannot admit of doubt. Throughout the whole of it the character and blessedness of God’s people are delineated; but with peculiar force and beauty in the concluding verses. In discoursing upon them we shall consider,

I. The character of God’s people—

They “know the name” of God—
[The name of God as proclaimed by himself, is recorded in the Scriptures [Note: Êxodo 34:6.]; and the Christian has a view of him as possessed of those very perfections which are there ascribed to him. He particularly sees these perfections harmonizing, and glorified, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ; or, if he be not perfectly clear in his views of these things, he at least is sensible that the divine mercy flows only in one channel, and can be imparted only through the atoning blood of Christ.]

They so know him as to “set their love upon him”—
[It is not a mere speculative knowledge that Christians possess (in this the ungodly may far surpass them), but such a practical knowledge as influences their heart and life. They feel an interest in every perfection of the Deity. The justice and holiness of God are as amiable in their eyes as his love and mercy. From what they know of him they are constrained to love him, yea, to “set their love upon him,” with intenseness of desire and fixedness of affection.]

They wait upon him in continual prayer—
[Others may keep up an outward form of devotion, or even be exceedingly earnest in prayer on some particular occasion; but they alone can maintain a real intercourse with the Deity, who have been taught by the Holy Spirit both to know and love him. When they have been thus enlightened and renewed, they will feel the necessity, and taste the sweetness, of secret prayer, and will account it their highest honour and happiness to have access unto their God at the throne of grace; nor will they ever be satisfied with the worship they offer, if they do not “worship him in spirit and in truth.”]
In perfect correspondence with their character will be found,


Their privileges—

There is nothing good which shall be withheld from them in time or eternity. God will vouchsafe to them,

1. Answers to prayer—

[They who offer their petitions only in a formal manner, never expect an answer to them. They conceive that all testimonies from God respecting the acceptance of our prayers are chimerical and enthusiastic in the extreme. But God is at no loss to impart to his people a clear and lively sense of his approbation. He most assuredly will answer them, though not by tokens that may be heard or seen, yet by sensible communications, and effectual interpositions. Are they laden with guilt? their burthen shall be removed, and they shall be filled with peace and joy. Are they bowed down under trials and temptations? they shall be strengthened by his grace, and be made more than conquerors over all. And though they cannot infallibly conclude from any feelings of their mind that God has answered their prayers, yet their feelings, in conjunction with the effects produced by them, will enable them to ascertain it, at least sufficiently for their own encouragement [Note: Salmos 138:3.]

2. Deliverances from trouble—

[The people of God are exposed to troubles no less than others. But they are supported under them by the presence of their God. As the Son of man walked with the Hebrew youths in the furnace, so will he with all his afflicted people; nor shall a hair of their head be singed. As a refiner he will carefully watch over every vessel, moderating the heat that would injure it, and bringing out the vessel as soon as his purposes in submitting it to the fire have been fully answered. This is twice declared in the text; and in due season shall it be experienced by every true believer.]

3. Present honour—

[The saints are, for the most part, loaded with contempt and ignominy. Yet the very persons who persecute them most, have frequently, like Herod, an inward reverence for them in their hearts. But, however they may be treated by the ungodly, they are universally respected by the saints. The very angels account it their honour and happiness to minister unto them. They are lights in the world, and living witnesses for God to all around them: and “God himself is not ashamed to be called their God.” They are already exalted to the rank and dignity of God’s children; and are made “heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ.”]

4. Everlasting glory—

[How far length of days is to be expected as the reward of piety under the Gospel dispensation, we cannot absolutely determine. But the true Christian will be “satisfied with his life,” whether it be long or short. He does not wish for the termination of it merely because he is dissatisfied with his present state, but because he longs for his inheritance. He has Pisgah views of the promised land even here: and as soon as he has finished his appointed course, God will shew him his full salvation; causing him to behold all its glory and enjoy all its blessedness. Then shall be given to him a life which will fully satisfy his most enlarged desires. God will say to him, in the presence of the whole assembled universe, ‘Come thou servant, whom I have decreed to “set on high,” see the kingdom that was prepared for thee from eternity; take possession of it as thine own, and inherit it for ever [Note: Mateus 25:34.].’]


In how pitiable a state are the ignorant and ungodly world!

[Being ignorant of God, and destitute of any real love to him, they have no part or lot in his salvation. They are strangers to all those sublime pleasures, which are communicated to God’s peculiar people. The witness of the Spirit, and many other unspeakably precious tokens of the divine favour, are withheld from them. If they be in trouble, they have no heavenly consolations to support them. They may have the wealth of this world, and the honour which cometh of men; but they can expect no salvation from God, nor any thing but shame and everlasting contempt [Note: Daniel 12:2.]. O that they were wise and would consider these things!]

2. How plain and simple is the duty of God’s people!

[The privileges before mentioned, are all bestowed on us because we love and seek the Lord. Not that our services are meritorious, and can claim a “reward of debt;” but God has appointed these as means, in the use of which we shall attain the end. Would we then have more abundant tokens of God’s favour here, and secure a still richer inheritance hereafter? Let us study to “grow in the knowledge of him,” and in a more fervent and fixed love towards him. Let us wait upon him more earnestly and with greater constancy in prayer. Thus shall his blessings infinitely exceed our highest expectations, and be enjoyed by us when the fleeting vanities of time shall be no more.]

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