Standing where he ought not

(εστηκοτα οπου ου δε). Mateo 24:15 has "standing in the holy place" (εστος εν τοπο αγιω), neuter and agreeing with βδελυγμα (abomination), the very phrase applied in 1Macc. 1:54 to the altar to Zeus erected by Antiochus Epiphanes where the altar to Jehovah was. Mark personifies the abomination as personal (masculine), while Lucas 21:20 defines it by reference to the armies (of Rome, as it turned out).

So the words of Daniel find a second fulfilment, Rome taking the place of Syria (Swete). See on Mateo 24:15 for this phrase and the parenthesis inserted in the words of Jesus ("Let him that readeth understand"). See also on Mateo 24:16-25 for discussion of details in Marco 13:14-22.

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