1 Coríntios 4:21

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


1 Coríntios 4:21. What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod. or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?

AT Corinth, religion was at a very low ebb. Great were the abuses which obtained there, even amongst the professed followers of Christ. Yet to those very persons the Christian Church is much indebted, for the displays which they occasioned the Apostle Paul to make of the Christian character in its highest perfection. How perversely they acted towards him, the Apostle tells us: “Now ye are full: now ye are rich; ye have reigned as kings without us [Note: ver. 8. 10.]:” and, at the same time that they arrogated so much to themselves, they poured the utmost contempt on him: “We are fools for Christ’s sake; but ye are wise in Christ: we are weak, but ye are strong: ye are honourable, but we are despised [Note: ver. 12.].” But how did that blessed man conduct himself under these circumstances? He tells them: “Being reviled, we bless; being persecuted, we suffer it: being defamed, we entreat.” And then, with most lovely delicacy, he adds, “I write not these things to shame you; but, as my beloved sons; I warn you [Note: ver. 14.].” Still it was necessary that he should correct what was amiss in them; and therefore he sent Timothy to rectify these abuses for the present, engaging that he himself would shortly come and put every thing in order. But the proud leaders of that Church said, he would never dare to obtrude himself among them. He, however, assured them that he would come to them, and with power too, if they constrained him to do so: and he submitted it, as it were, to their option to determine in what way he should come to them; whether of needful severity, or of unmixed love.

Now the Apostles had, occasionally at least, a power to inflict temporal judgments; as Peter did on Ananias; and as Paul did on Elymas the sorcerer: and to this there may be some reference in the menace before us. But every minister of God has such a measure of authority vested in him over the people of his charge, that he may with propriety address them in the language of my text; “Shall I come unto you with a rod; or in love, and in the spirit of meekness?”
That I may make a suitable improvement of these words, I will,

I. Set before you the diversified duties of a Christian minister—

A minister is not merely “a steward of the mysteries of God [Note: ver. 1],” to dispense to every member of God’s family his portion in due season; but

He is, as a father over them, to exert authority—
[Even a young minister, if there be occasion, is to “reprove” both sin and error [Note: 1 Timóteo 5:20.]; yea, to “rebuke with all authority [Note: Tito 2:15.],” and even “sharply” too, rather than not effect the reformation he desires [Note: Tito 1:13.]. In this exercise of authority, he must seek “the edification, and not the destruction” of the offender [Note: 2 Coríntios 13:10.]: but he must rather proceed to the utter excision of a corrupt member, than suffer the whole body to sustain irreparable injury [Note: Gálatas 5:12.]. Nor is he to be influenced in this matter either by fear or love. If the offender be as powerful as Ahab or as Herod, yet must Elijah reprove the one, and John the other: nor must the true Levite, the faithful minister, know even his own parents or children, so as to withhold from them the needful admonition [Note: Deuteronômio 33:9.]. Eli is, in this respect, a warning to all ministers [Note: 1 Samuel 2:27.], to “know no man after the flesh.”]

At the same time, he must act under the influence of love—
[Even in the use of “the rod,” a father is actuated by love: but where it is possible to effect his purpose without it, he would rather cast it away, and conduct himself only in a spirit of affectionate endearment. St. Paul, towards this very Church, and at a time when they were actually setting him at defiance, writes, “Now I Paul myself beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ [Note: 2 Coríntios 10:1.].” And this was his constant habit. He could appeal to his converts, that “as a nursing-mother” he had cherished them; being so affectionately desirous of them, as to be willing to impart to them, not the Gospel of God only, but also his own soul, because they were dear unto him: and he further appeals to them, that, during his whole intercourse with them, he had “exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of them, as a father doth his children, that they would walk worthy of God, who had called them to his kingdom and glory [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:7; 1 Tessalonicenses 2:11.].” K there were any of whom he stood in doubt, he “changed his voice towards them, and even travailed in birth with them, till Christ should be formed in them [Note: Gálatas 4:19.].” This is the true pattern for a Christian minister: he must have courage and firmness to use “the rod,” where necessary; but in his soul he should affect nothing but “love, and a spirit of meekness.”]

Having stated the diversified duties of a minister, I will,


Address myself to the discharge of them—

St. Paul gave to the Corinthian Church their option between the two alternatives, and left them to determine in what way he should proceed with them. Now, as your stated minister, I am necessitated to “come unto you” from Sabbath to Sabbath: and I beg you to consider,

1. What is the treatment which you desire?

[Too many are utterly indifferent about the ministry of the word; and are equally unaffected, whether we come in a way of reproof or of consolation — — — Yet, methinks, it is not altogether thus with you: but, in answer to the question, “What will ye?” ye are ready to say, ‘Come in the way which you judge most suited to my necessities.’
Let me then proceed to ask,]

2. What is the treatment which you deserve?

[What is your conduct, in your collective capacity, as a Church? Are there among you “debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings, tumults?” Dear brethren, if this be the case, and “I find you such as I would not, you can expect only that I shall be found unto you such as ye would not: and that, whilst I bewail your condition,” I shall only administer such correctives as the occasion may require [Note: 2 Coríntios 12:20.]. As to individuals, of course, except in extreme cases, nothing of a personal nature can be spoken, but only in a way of private intercourse. But, beloved, I wish you to examine, whether you are “profiting by the word preached,” and whether you “make that profiting to appear.” I wish you to examine, whether there be in you any secret declension from God; or whether you are advancing steadily in your Christian course, and “daily growing up into Christ in all things as your living Head [Note: Efésios 4:15.].” If this be the case, we shall greatly rejoice: for, as St. Paul said, “I live, if ye stand fast in the Lord [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 3:8.];” and as St. John said, “I have no greater joy, than to hear that my children walk in truth [Note: 3 John, ver. 4.];” so I, brethren, according to the grace given unto me, would have all my own feelings and interests swallowed up in your welfare. If you are but “babes, I would feed you with milk: if you are grown to full age, I would administer strong meat” for your nourishment. In a word, I would endeavour to adapt my ministrations to your necessities, in accordance with the direction given me; “Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, and be patient towards all men [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 5:14.].” The time is shortly coming, when both you and I must give account to God; I, of my ministrations; and you, of your improvement of them: and the Lord grant, that in that day I may be found to have discharged my duties with fidelity! and may you be my crown of rejoicing to all eternity! yea, of all of you, without exception, may I then be able to say, “Ye are our glory and joy [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:19.]!”]

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