2 Tessalonicenses 3:5

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


2 Tessalonicenses 3:5. The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.

IT might well be expected that the fundamental doctrines of our religion should be found, not only in passages whore the truths were expressly insisted on, but in others where they were casually introduced. Accordingly we find this to be the case respecting every important doctrine of the Gospel; but in none more than that which relates to a Trinity of persons in the Godhead. If we wished to convince an unbeliever, we should doubtless select such passages as most plainly contain the doctrine in question [Note: e. g. Mateus 28:19; 2 Coríntios 13:14.]: but to confirm the mind of a believer, we should rather refer to places where it was only incidentally mentioned: because, if once we see that the idea was familiar to the minds of the inspired writers, and to the minds of those to whom they wrote, we have the strongest proof of which any doctrine is capable. Thus, in the passage before us, the Apostle meant only to express a benevolent wish on behalf of the Church at Thessalonica: but he expressed it in such terms as a person habituated to the doctrine of the Trinity would naturally use: he prayed that “the Lord (the Spirit) would direct their hearts into the love of God (the Father), and into the patient waiting for Christ.”

The point however to which we would direct your attention, is not so much the terms in which the Apostle’s wish is conveyed, as the objects and reasons of that wish.

I. The objects of that wish—

A very little observation of the world is sufficient to convince us, that “the love of God” is not the predominant passion of mankind; nor a preparation for Christ’s second coming their chief employment.
[Men in general are not so impressed with a view of God’s excellency, as to feel any love to him: much less have they obtained such an acquaintance with him, as to enjoy in their souls any sense of his love to them. Nor is there much of “the patience of Christ [Note: ὑπομονὴν τοῦ Χριστοῦ.]” to be found amongst them. To “deny themselves, and take up their cross, and follow him,” is a lesson which they have never learned. As for looking forward with comfort to the second coming of their Lord, and waiting patiently for it as the completion of their hopes and the consummation of their joys, they know it not. “Their affections are set on things below, rather than on things above;” and the acquisition of some earthly good is that which alone engages their attention — — —]

But to possess the state of mind described in the text, is essential to the Christian character—
[How can a man be a Christian, and not love his God? or how can he belong to Christ, and not resemble him, “who, for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God?” — — —]
Yet of ourselves we never shall, or can, attain to it—
[The heart is altogether averse to spiritual exercises; and turns away in disgust from the contemplation of those things which make for our everlasting peace. If we try to fix our minds on the love of God to man, or on the nature and extent of that obedience which we owe to him, or on the solemn account which we roust give of ourselves before him, we cannot long keep our attention to such subjects, nor can we get them suitably impressed upon our hearts — — —]
Hence St. Paul prayed, that the Lord, even the Holy Spirit, would direct the hearts of his people into that state—
[It is the province of that Divine Agent to give a right direction [Note: κατενθύναι.] to the heart [Note: Tiago 1:17; 2 Coríntios 5:5.] — — — But his influence must be sought by prayer. Nevertheless God will hear also the intercessions of others in our behalf, and give us a supply of his Spirit in answer to them [Note: Filipenses 1:19.] — — — In the full persuasion of this, St. Paul poured out tile benevolent aspiration which we have been considering.]

Such then were the objects of the Apostle’s wish; namely, that the Thessalonian Christians might experience more deeply the truths they professed. Nor are we at any loss to state,


The reasons of it—

Among the most important of these were doubtless the two following: he knew that the attainment of such a state was,

1. Highly conducive to their present happiness—

There is a most absurd prejudice against religion, that it tends to make persons melancholy. That some religious persons are inclined to melancholy, is true enough: but it is not true, that religion makes them so. In all human probability they would have manifested the same disposition (as thousands of others do) if they had never known any thing of religion. As far as religion is concerned, it is from erroneous and distorted views of religion, and not from any just apprehensions of it, that they are rendered melancholy. Where, in all the word of God, do we find this effect ascribed to religion, or arising from it? Peter wept bitterly, and Judas hanged himself: but was it religion, or sin, that was the occasion of their sorrows? not religion surely, but sin. Religion was a balm to Peter, and kept him from despair; and it was Judas’s want of religion that drove him to suicide.
But the truth is, that men make this a mere pretext to reject religion; they do not really, in their hours of sober reflection, think that religion has any such tendency. Where will he found a man in the whole universe who really thinks that love to God, or a sense of God’s love to him, would make him less happy? — — — Where is there one who really believes that an habitual preparation for death and judgment would make him less happy? — — — Nay, where is there one who does not in his heart envy a truly pious character, and entertain the secret wish, O that I might be found in that man’s place at the day of judgment! — — —
The Apostle knew that the graces which he desired for the Thessalonian Christians would make them truly happy both in life and death. He knew it from the universal tenour of the Holy Scriptures [Note: Salmos 63:5.Mateus 5:3.] — — — and he knew it from his own experience [Note: 2 Timóteo 4:7.] — — — and therefore he prayed the Lord to direct their hearts to the attainment of them.]

2. Indispensably necessary to their eternal welfare—

[What is a Christian without the love of God? What pretensions has he to the name of Christian? — — — or how can he call himself a disciple of Christ, who has no delight in following his steps, or in looking forward to his future advent? What an appearance will such an one make at the tribunal of his Judge! Will he not be ashamed before him at his coming? Has he any reason to think that the God whom he never loved, will love him? or that the Saviour whom he never served, will say to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant?” Whatever they may say to the contrary, the careless world have their misgivings even now; they have a secret fear that God will put a difference between those who served him and those who served him not — — — On this subject St. Paul had no doubt — — — and therefore, “knowing the terrors of the Lord, he both persuaded men” to seek these necessary attainments, and implored of God to communicate to them all needful supplies of his Spirit and grace.]


Permit me now to express the same benevolent wish respecting you—
[We have no wish to proselyte men to a party, or to lead them into any enthusiastic notions or pursuits. All we desire is, that they should love that God who has so loved them, and be found patiently waiting for the Bridegroom when he shall call them to the marriage. And, I ask, is this unreasonable? Is it any thing more than what I ought to wish; or than you yourselves either do, or will soon, wish for yourselves? — — — Be not offended, then, if we express this wish: be not offended, if we urge upon you what we know will tend so much to your present happiness, and what we are assured is necessary to your happiness in the future world — — —]
Let me also request that you will adopt this wish for yourselves—
[Surely I shall have spoken to good effect, if only one amongst you all shall be stirred up to pray for himself, “Lord, direct my heart into the love of God, and into a patient waiting for Christ.” Happy will it be, if any of you begin to wish that you had loved God, and that you might from this time become objects of his favour. Happy will it be, if any of you begin to say, ‘I will take up ray cross and follow Christ: I will follow him without the camp, bearing his reproach. He died for me; O that I might have grace to live and die for him! He is coming to judge me; O that I might be ready for his appearing, and give up my account to him with joy and not with grief!’ — — — Cultivate these desires: beg of God to stir them up in your hearts by his Holy Spirit: and when you have attained a measure of this grace yourselves, cultivate it to the utmost in the hearts of others.]

Veja mais explicações de 2 Tessalonicenses 3:5


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