Apocalipse 1:7

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 1:7. Behold, he Cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

THE great subject of the book of Revelation seems to be, to predict the trials and deliverances of God’s Church to the end of time. To a superficial observer, it would appear strange that God should permit his enemies to triumph for so long a period, and in so awful a degree. But there is a time coming when all these inequalities in the Divine government will be rectified, and a righteous retribution be given to those who suffered, and to those also who inflicted the sufferings upon them. To this period our attention is directed in the very commencement of this prophecy; that persecutors may know what tribulation awaits them, and the persecuted may be comforted in the prospect of their eternal rest.
Let us then contemplate,

I. The future judgment of our Lord—

Behold, he is surely coming to judge the world—
[Our blessed Lord is “ordained of the Father to be the Judge both of quick and dead” — — — The time for his future advent, though not known either to men or angels, is fixed in the counsels of the Father: and at the appointed instant it shall arrive. The world will be sleeping in security and carelessness, as much as ever they were in the days of Noah: but it will not on that account be delayed: “it will come as a thief in the night, and as travail upon a woman with child” — — — With inconceivable glory will the Lord Jesus then appear, surrounded with myriads of the heavenly host, and “coming in the clouds of heaven” — — — His judgment-seat will be erected, the books wherein all the actions, words, and thoughts of men are recorded, will be opened, and all the universe be summoned to give an account of themselves to him — — —]
Then “shall every eye see him”—
[All who have ever lived, from the very commencement to the end of time, shall be raised from the dead, each in his own proper body. The sea as well as the land will give up the dead that are in it, and not an individual, however great or however obscure, be wanting — — — All will surround his throne, and behold him in full view: not as unconcerned spectators, but as criminals, whose cause he is about to try, and whose state he will fix in happiness or misery for ever and ever — — —]
Thus certain, and thus awful, will be “our gathering unto Jesus at the last day.” But let us more distinctly consider,


Its aspect on the different classes of mankind—

The text more especially refers to the ungodly: but, as all will be equally interested in that event, we shall extend our views to the world at large; and consider the aspect of our Lord’s advent,

1. On the ungodly—

[“Those who pierced our Lord” in the days of his flesh, thought not that they should ever behold his face again: but every one of them shall be summoned to his presence in that day. Pilate with the chief priests, and Herod with his men of war, and all the populace who demanded his crucifixion, and the soldiers who mocked him in gorgeous apparel, and drove the crown of thorns into his temples, and those who ploughed long furrows on his back by scourging, and those who nailed him to the cross, and the soldier that pierced his sacred body after he was dead, and all who approved of those proceedings, shall in that day see him yet once more, with all the marks of their cruelty yet upon him: yes, they shall all recognize in his glorious person the Man whom once they treated with such indignity. But how widely changed the condition both of themselves and him! Themselves, no longer in a capacity to oppress; and him, no longer capable of suffering from oppression: themselves, as malefactors and murderers; and him, as the Judge about to take cognizance of their offences: themselves, as children of the devil; and him, as “the Lord of glory!”O, with what horror will they be struck! with what dread will they be overwhelmed!
But are there not many who “pierce the Lord” at this time also, and “crucify him afresh,” by continuing in their sins? Yes verily, there are many amongst us not a whit less criminal than his very murderers; I should rather say, far more criminal; inasmuch as they who reject him now, sin against incomparably greater light than was enjoyed by any previous to his crucifixion. It is this that makes the sin against the Holy Ghost so heinous, in comparison of the sins committed against the Son of man. The Holy Ghost has borne such testimony to the truth, as nothing but wilful infidelity can resist. And they who at this day hear the Gospel preached to them, and make no account of all the wonders of love and mercy that are set before them, have a measure of guilt which will make their last state worse than that of Sodom and Gomorrha. Think then, ye, who, having heard the truth, reject it, and, more especially, ye, who, having embraced the truth, dishonour it, or depart from it, think, I say, what will be your views and feelings, when you shall behold that Saviour face to face! Will ye not be ready to call upon the rocks and mountains to fall upon you, and to cover you from his wrath? Yes, indeed will ye; and if even the whole earth will wail because of him, much more will ye, who have received all his grace in vain.
The Apostle adds, “Even so; Amen:” by which I understand him, not merely as confirming the truths which he has before asserted, but as acquiescing in them as every way worthy of their Divine Author. It is right that those who once pierced him when on earth should wail because of him; and it is right that they also who reject him now should feel the full weight of his displeasure. St. Paul himself puts that matter beyond all doubt, when he says, “If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maran-atha.”]

2. On the godly—

[Blessed be God, though all the unregenerate shall wail, there are some to whom the Saviour’s advent will be a ground of joy! We are told, that the saints “wait for his appearing,” and “love it,” and “look forward and haste unto it,” and in the spirit of their minds are saying, “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” However terrible his advent will be to others, it will not be so to them; for the prospect of being called to “meet the Lord in the air,” is that which St. Paul teaches us to regard as a source of the richest consolation, under whatever trials or losses we may be called to sustain. “Comfort ye one another,” says he, “with these words.”
But here you will naturally ask, Whence arises this difference between the two? Why do the one behold him with such anguish of heart, and the others with such unutterable joy? I answer, The godly have beheld him here, and “mourned before him as for an only Son [Note: Zacarias 12:10.].” They have seen how grievously they have themselves pierced him by their iniquities; and they have bewailed their guilt and folly with the deepest contrition. They have even looked to his wounds as endured for their transgressions; and have sought for “healing to their souls by the stripes inflicted on him:” and having done this by faith, they are accepted before God, and shall “be presented before him faultless with exceeding joy.”

Seek ye then, beloved, “the Spirit of grace and of supplications,” whom God has promised to pour out upon you. Then shall you have such views of the Saviour as shall bring peace to your souls, and such views as will give you confidence before him at his future coming.]

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