Apocalipse 3:20

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 3:20. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

OUR blessed Lord, in his sermon on the mount, says, “Ask, and ye shall have; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Now this is exactly what we might expect of a gracious God, and more especially of an all-merciful Redeemer. But who would ever imagine that this process should be inverted; and that, instead of a sinner knocking at the door of heaven in fervent supplications, the Son of God himself should come and knock at the door of his heart, soliciting admittance there? Yet this is the representation given us in my text: so infinitely are “God’s ways higher than our ways, and his thoughts than our thoughts.” Let us contemplate this mystery: let us consider,

I. The marvellous condescension of the Lord Jesus Christ towards our sinful race—

The hearts of men are shut and barred against him—
[“The strong man armed,” even Satan, occupies the souls of men as his palace, and fills them with all manner of evil; and by his great power “he keeps them in peace,” unconscious of their subjection to him, and altogether satisfied with their bondage [Note: Lucas 11:21.]. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes to seek admission there, every possible resistance is made to him. The lusts, which have taken possession of them, bar the door against him. Prejudice and unbelief determine them to obstruct his entrance; whilst the world, and all its lusts, maintain their post, with a steadfastness that bids defiance to every effort, save that which is omnipotent — — —]

But he “stands at the door, and knocks”—
[He comes to men in his word, and demands that they yield themselves up to him — — — He comes also by the secret energy of his Spirit; and warns men of their danger, if they persist in their rebellion against him — — — He comes also by his providence, to awaken them by terrors, or soften them by afflictions, if by any means he may prevail upon them to open to him — — — Year after year does he “stand,” “waiting to be gracious to them,” and importuning them by every kind of argument to admit him. Of Israel it is said, that “forty years he suffered their manners in the Wilderness [Note: Atos 13:18.].” And many are the years that he has borne with us. The generality he finds so fast asleep, that not all the thunders of his law can waken them. Some are just roused from their slumbers: but, averse to receive him, they begin to put him off with frivolous excuses. Their language is like that of the Church of old; “I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my Beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night. But I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet; how shall I defile them [Note: Cântico dos Cânticos 5:2.]?” Still, however, does he continue knocking with invincible patience: so true is that saying of the prophet, “All the day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people [Note: Isaías 65:2 and Romanos 10:21.].”]

What marvellous condescension is this!
[If we were to stand for any length of time imploring mercy from God, and were left without any answer of peace, it were nothing but what our sins have justly merited; nor could we have the smallest reason to complain. But that the Lord Jesus Christ should sue in vain for admission into our hearts, appears incredible; or, at all events, we might expect him, after the first refusal of his overtures, to say, “They are joined to idols; let them alone:” “My Spirit shall strive with them no more;” from henceforth I “give them over to their own heart’s lusts, to follow their own imaginations, till they have “filled up the measure of their iniquities,” and “wrath shall come upon them to the uttermost.” But, “behold!” yes, well may it be said “Behold;” for His condescension exceeds belief. Do but reflect, who it is that thus waits upon us: it is the Creator, importuning his guilty and rebellious creatures: it is the Judge, following the criminal with entreaties to accept of pardon, and to let his sentence of condemnation be reversed: it is the self-sufficient God, who would be equally happy and glorious if every child of man were left to perish like the fallen angels, that labours thus to ingratiate himself with the vilest of mankind, if by any means he may prevail on some of them to accept at his hands all the blessings both of grace and glory. Say, I pray you, Is not this a condescension, that surpasses all the powers of language to express, or of imagination adequately to conceive?]

But this subject will appear more fully in its true light, if we consider,


The mercies which he desires to impart unto them—

These are expressed under a familiar and most significant metaphor—
[The metaphor of a guest is not uncommon in the Holy Scriptures. Our Lord said to his Disciples, “If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him; and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him [Note: João 14:23.].” And this shall be realized, in the most endearing manner, to all who open to him: “He will come in to them, and sup with them, and they with him.” We cannot conceive of any act of friendship that is not comprehended under this term. But how shall I convey any adequate idea of its import? What sweet manifestations of his love will he impart to the soul, and what rich communications of his grace! Who can fully explain that declaration of the Apostle, “Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son, Jesus Christ [Note: 1 João 1:3.]?” We may think of all the familiarities and endearments that ever were enjoyed, even among the most attached friends or relatives, and they will fall infinitely short of that blessedness which he will impart to the believing soul. When he comes in to sup with us, he will, if I may so say, bring his own provision along with him. What “exceeding great and precious promises” will he set before us, for our support! What tastes of his love will he give us, when he shall “shed it abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost?” And what foretastes also of his glory will he communicate, when he bids us to drink of the cup of his salvation!]

Nor is there a person under heaven excluded from this benefit—
[His own word is, “If any man hear.” It matters not how unworthy any man may be: if he had all the sins of Manasseh himself upon his soul, the mercy here proffered should be imparted to him. We are told of Manasseh, that he filled Jerusalem itself with the blood of innocents, and made the people worse than the heathen whom the Lord had destroyed before them: yet, when he humbled himself, God heard his supplication, and made himself known to him under the endearing character of Israel’s God [Note: Jeremias 19:4. 2 Crônicas 33:9; 2 Crônicas 33:12.]. We may be sure, therefore, that no person under heaven shall be excluded from a participation of the grace that is here so freely offered. All that is required of any man is, to “hear the Saviour’s voice, and open to him.” O that this were duly considered by us all! Brethren, you are not called upon to merit any thing at the Saviour’s hands, but only to receive thankfully what he so freely offers. Only be sensible that you have hitherto excluded him from your hearts, whilst you have given a ready reception to the basest lusts; be sensible, I say, of this, and now open your hearts to him, and all the blessings of salvation shall be yours, for your present comfort, and for your everlasting possession.]


Those who are yet strangers to the Saviour’s love—

[The generality of men who call themselves Christians would quite revolt at the expression in my text, and at all the wonders of love contained in it. But, brethren, wherefore is it thus with you? Is it because there is no truth in these representations? or because ye have never yet sought to experience them in your souls — — — Would ye but now open your hearts to him, verily, there is not one amongst you of whom it should not be said, that “Christ is gone to be a guest with a man that is a sinner [Note: Lucas 19:7.].” But if ye refuse his entreaties now, the time will come, when ye shall cry to him, but not be heard [Note: Provérbios 1:24.Isaías 55:6.]

2. Those who have had some experience of it in their souls—

[Be not satisfied with any measure of intercourse that you have yet enjoyed with your Lord and Saviour. Ye cannot expect, with Paul, to be caught up into the third heavens: but ye may expect from the Saviour such an abundance of grace and mercy and peace as shall be a foretaste of heaven itself. Only cast out, with increasing zeal and diligence, the lusts that have occupied your heart, sweeping from every corner of it “the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump,” and your feasts with the Saviour here shall be only a prelude to that richer feast which you shall enjoy above: for all with whom he has supped on earth shall “sit down with him at the marriage-supper of the Lamb in heaven” for evermore [Note: Apocalipse 19:9.]

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