Apocalipse 3:4-6

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Apocalipse 3:4. Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.

IN all the preceding part of this epistle, we have been necessitated to dwell almost exclusively on matters calling for reproof. It is with pleasure that we now turn to a subject of commendation. There were, even in the degenerate Church at Sardis, some who walked worthy of their heavenly calling, and were therefore honoured with peculiar marks of the Divine favour: and we shall find it profitable to consider,

I. Their conduct—

Under two distinct images this is set forth. We notice,

1. Their walk—

[“They kept their garments undefiled,” in the midst of an ensnaring and polluted world. It was no little honour to them, to receive from the heart-searching God such a testimony as this. The world, in all its parts, has a tendency to defile the soul. Its maxims and habits are all contrary to the mind of God: and all its votaries carry with them a contagion which spreads itself with fatal effect wherever they come. Now, to walk in the midst of such a world is dangerous in the extreme; and few can do it without contracting much defilement to their souls. But there were “a few in Sardis” who did so. Though in the world, they were not of the world; but, notwithstanding the intercourse which from time to time they had maintained with the world, they had been “delivered from the evil of it.” They had not been drawn aside by “the lust of the flesh, or the lust of the eye, or the pride of life [Note: 1 João 2:15.];” but had “walked holily, and justly, and unblameably, in the whole tenour of their conversation [Note: 1 Tessalonicenses 2:10.].” We are not to suppose that they were so perfect, that never a spot of sin was contracted by them; for “in many things we all offend [Note: Tiago 3:2.];” and “there is not a just man on earth that liveth and sinneth not [Note: 1 Reis 8:46.]:” but in the habit, both of their minds and lives, they were “blameless and harmless, as sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, shining among them as lights in the world [Note: Filipenses 2:15.].”]

2. Their victory—

[In process of time “they overcame;” as indeed all shall eventually do, if only they “walk with God,” and “keep themselves unspotted from the world.” They cannot hope to differ so widely from all the maxims and habits of the world, and yet experience no opposition from those whom they so condemn. “If they will live godly in Christ Jesus, they must suffer persecution [Note: 2 Timóteo 3:12.].” But they were alike superior to the terrors and the allurements of the world; being neither deterred from duty by the one, nor allured to any evil by the other. They fought manfully against all. the enemies of their salvation; and never ceased to fight, till all their enemies, and “Satan himself at their head, were bruised under their feet.”

True, they were but few in number; but they were not discouraged by this: they would “not follow a multitude to do evil.” It was no question with them, whether others acted agreeably to God’s commands: the question was, What has God required? and, having once ascertained that, they could not be prevailed upon, by any consideration whatever, to decline the path of duty, or to violate any obligation that lay upon them. They knew it to be their duty to “shine as lights in the world;” and they endeavoured “so to make their light shine, that all who beheld them should be constrained to glorify their Father who was in heaven.”]
In exact accordance with their conduct is,


Their reward—

The coincidence between their conduct and the reward assigned them is remarkable: they had so walked as to “keep their garments clean,” and to honour their Lord before men; and they shall henceforth “walk with their Lord in white,” and “be honoured by him in the presence of his Father and his holy angels.”
Here, you will observe, are promised to them,

1. The full fruition of all the objects they sought—

[They were, as indeed all true believers are, “a holy priesthood” to the Lord. To him they offered the sacrifices of prayer and praise continually; yea, they yielded up themselves as living sacrifices to the Lord. For God also they maintained a contest against the world and the flesh and the devil; and they approved themselves in all things as “good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” Now, the priests were clad in white; as was even the high-priest himself, when he went within the vail. And conquerors, too, when they went in triumphant procession, were also robed in white. Now, says our blessed Lord, ye, in both capacities, shall have your wishes fully accomplished; for in every respect ye are worthy of the honour which I am about to confer upon you. In both the foregoing respects I have preceded you: I offered myself a sacrifice to God; and am now within the vail, enjoying the nearest possible access to him. I also fought and overcame, and am enjoying all the fruits of victory at the right hand of God. To me therefore shall ye, who have followed me in these respects, be for ever assimilated, and with me shall be partakers of all my blessedness. With me ye walked in this world: with me shall ye walk in the world above. With me ye walked so warily as to keep your garments undefiled: and with me shall ye walk in white for ever, beyond the possibility of ever contracting defilement; having a far nearer access to God than ever ye could attain on earth; and crowned with glory, far beyond all that in your earthly state it was possible for you to enjoy. I regard you as “worthy” of this honour; not indeed on account of any merit that there was even in your best services, but as possessing a meetness for it. Your whole life was a state of preparation for this honour; and I proclaim you both meet for it, and worthy of it.]

2. The public approbation of the Lord whom they served—

[For the Lord’s sake they had given up their names to reproach, so that their enemies, and even their friends and relatives, had been ready to blot out their names from any book where they might be had in remembrance. To such a degree had they been despised, that “they were counted as the very filth of the world, and the off-scouring of all things [Note: 1 Coríntios 4:13.].” To these things had they meekly submitted, even to their dying hour, “rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for their Lord’s sake [Note: Atos 5:41.].” In return for these services, the Lord promises them, “I will not blot out your names from the book of life: on the contrary, I will confess your names before my Father and His holy angels;” I will proclaim you as faithful servants; I will acknowledge you as beloved friends; I will honour you in the presence of the whole assembled universe, as partakers of my throne, and as heirs of my glory. Your work shall be seen in your reward; and your reward shall bear proportion to your work.]

And now “let him that hath an ear, hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.” Hear,

1. Ye who complain of piety as needless preciseness—

[Suppose you saw a man clothed in white garments, and walking in the midst of dirty and crowded streets; and were told, that the man’s life depended on his keeping his garments clean from the morning even unto night: would you wonder that he was circumspect, and on his guard against coming in contact with that which would defile him? Would you wonder that he endeavoured so to take every step, that he might ultimately attain his end, and approve himself to the person that should inspect his garments at the close of the day? What mean ye then by condemning the Christian for his holy walk, and by deriding it as needless preciseness? That it differs from those around him, I grant: and I think ye will clearly see, how much the walk of these favoured “few at Sardis” must have differed from that of those, who “had a name to live, but were dead.” I tell you, brethren, it must be so: and every one of you, who will be approved of the Lord in the last day, must “have the mind which was in Christ Jesus,” and “walk even as he walked” — — —]

2. Ye who dare to be singular in an ungodly world—

[Amidst the Church of Sardis there were “a few,” and only a few, who walked acceptably to God. But was this their fault? All the others should have resembled them: and if they would not, it was to the honour of that little band that they dared to be singular. But let me not be misunderstood. I am not recommending singularity in matters of indifference: no: such affectation I greatly disapprove: but, in things which are of importance to the welfare of the soul, we should know no example but that of Christ and his Apostles, nor any rule but the written word of God: and if others will not walk with us in this way, and agreeably to this rule, we must say, with Joshua, “Whatever the whole world may do, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord [Note: Josué 24:15.].” Go on, brethren, even though ye be like Noah in the antediluvian world, or like Lot in Sodom. If others be careless of their walk, “keep ye your garments clean.” And if others be offended at your singularity, and “cast out your name as evil on account of it,” let it suffice to know, that “your names are written in heaven;” and that, when your adversaries shall be disclaimed by God as unworthy of the least mercy, ye shall be approved, as worthy of all the honour and blessedness that your God and Saviour can confer upon you.]

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