Atos 17:31

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Atos 17:31. He hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

IN order to form a just estimate of the benefits which we have received from revelation, we must not look to the sentiments of philosophers in this day, but to those which were entertained by the wisest of the heathen world. Modern philosophers, even while they pretend to despise the sacred oracles, have derived from them, either immediately or remotely, all that light which has elevated them above the heathen. We must therefore go back to the Sages of Greece and Rome, who had no other guide than unassisted reason. Among them we shall find the most astonishing ignorance respecting truths which, amongst us, are universally received, and familiar to the meanest capacities. Athens had been the most distinguished seat of learning in the world; and even at the time when this history was written, was still in very high repute: yet there did the most stupid idolatry prevail, insomuch that the number of idols there was greater than in any other city in the world. Their wise men, not content with deifying almost every thing that could come into their minds, raised an altar To the unknown God: from which circumstance St. Paul took occasion to “make known to them Him, whom they thus ignorantly worshipped.”
His address to them on the occasion forms a lively contrast with the abstruse speculations and vain reasonings which universally prevailed among them. He told them that there was one God, who was the Creator and Governor of all things, who claimed from them a spiritual worship, and whom exclusively they were bound to serve; who also had appointed a day in the which he would judge the world by that Man whom he had ordained, even Jesus, whom he had raised from the dead.
We do not see in this address any just ground for those extravagant encomiums that have been passed upon it, as though it was the summit of human eloquence: but we account it a sober, judicious, luminous exposition of the first principles of true religion; well adapted to inform the minds of his audience, and to dispel the vain imaginations with which they had hitherto been blinded.
The point to which we shall direct our attention at this time, is the assurance here given us of a future judgment. The assertions contained in our text are two:

I. That there is a day fixed in which the world shall be judged—

The day of judgment is certainly fixed—
[“Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world:” much more therefore must so important a work as that of judging the world be fixed in the Divine counsels. It is true, the period is not known to any human being, nor to any angel in heaven; no, nor even to the Son of Man himself; at least it was not made known to him as man, for the purpose of revealing it to the world [Note: Marcos 13:32.]. But it is every moment approaching; and will come as unexpectedly upon the world as the deluge did, or as it would do if it were to arrive at this moment [Note: Mateus 24:37.]

On its arrival, the whole race of mankind shall be called to judgment—
[All the successive generations of men, from Adam to that very hour, shall be called forth from their graves [Note: João 5:28; Apocalipse 20:12.]. Their respective bodies, however long ago, and in whatever various manner they may have been consumed, shall be restored to life, and be united to their souls; the personal identity of every individual being preserved, and every one answering for the things which he himself did in the body.

As to the difficulties which may be supposed to prevent the execution of this design, it is sufficient to say, that God has pledged himself to accomplish it: and he who formed the whole creation out of nothing at first, will find no difficulty in re-uniting the scattered atoms of his creatures at the last day.]
The judgment shall then be passed on them in perfect righteousness—
[The actions of all will then be weighed in a perfect balance. Every thing that tended to enhance the value of them, or aggravate their malignity, shall be taken into consideration; and the quality of them be ascertained with the utmost precision. Every word, every thought, yea, every imagination or counsel of the heart, shall then be brought to light, and have weight in augmenting our happiness or misery to all eternity [Note: Romanos 2:16; 1 Coríntios 4:5.]. The rewards indeed will be rewards of grace; but still our good works shall be the measure according to which they shall be bestowed upon us: our punishments, on the other hand, will be proportioned exactly to our guilt and demerit: nor shall there be a creature in the universe who shall not acknowledge the equity of the Judge in these proceedings [Note: Apocalipse 15:3.]

The foregoing truths were revealed, though with comparative obscurity, to the Jews: but in the New Testament, in addition to the fuller revelation there given of it, we are informed,


That Christ is the person by whom that judgment will be dispensed—

The Father, we are told, “hath committed all judgment to the Son,” and “given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man [Note: João 5:22; João 5:27.]:” and this appointment is in many respects desirable—

[It is desirable for the vindication of his honour. Though he was the Son of God, “the brightness of his Father’s glory, and the express image of his person,” yet was he accounted “a worm and no man, a reproach of men, and despised of the people.” But in that day will his reproach be rolled away; and he will appear in his true character, “King of kings, and Lord of lords” — — —

It is desirable also for the humiliation of his enemies. How will they, who so triumphed in his destruction, stand appalled, when they shall see “the stone which they rejected, become the head-stone of the corner!” when they shall behold him seated on his throne, and hear him say, “Bring hither those that were mine enemies, who would not that I should reign over them, and slay them before me!”

It is desirable also for the comfort of his people. Unspeakable is the comfort of reflecting, that He who was our Saviour will be our Judge. If we believe in him, and confide in his promises, will he deceive us? If we plead the merit of his blood, will he not admit that plea? Yea, will he not rather be a witness for us in that day, that, whilst we were in this world, we “lived by faith in the Son of God, as having loved us, and given himself for us?” — — —]

Nor is it less certain, than it is desirable—
[“God has given us assurance of it, in that he has raised up Christ from the dead.” Had Jesus not been raised, we might well have doubted all that he had spoken respecting his future advent: but this was such a confirmation of his word as did not admit a doubt: it was a proof that could not be counterfeited, and that must carry conviction to every mind. However strange, therefore, our Lord’s predictions respecting his second coming must have appeared to those who saw him only as a poor despised man [Note: Lucas 13:3.Apocalipse 14:10.], and however confident his judges were in pronouncing such assertions to be blasphemy [Note: ver. 32.], we may be fully assured, that all judgment is committed to him, and that we shall all stand at his judgment-seat, to receive from him our final doom.]

Since then this awful day is fixed in the Divine counsels, and is so rapidly approaching, let us indulge the following reflections:

How earnestly should we engage in the great work of repentance!

[This is a work necessary for every child of man: and “God hath commanded all men every where to repent.” He will no longer “wink at” our blind security: he has now given us the last and fullest revelation of his will; and, if we improve it not to the salvation of our souls, he will visit us with his heaviest displeasure [Note: 2 Coríntios 5:10.]. Let us not, like the Apostle’s auditors, “mock” at these tidings, or defer the attention they deserve [Note: Gálatas 6:7.]:” but let us “seek the Lord whilst he may be found, and call upon him whilst he is near.” We “know the terrors of the Lord; and therefore we would persuade you,” by every consideration that can influence the mind of man.]

2. How carefully should we guard against self-deception!

[We easily deceive ourselves; but we cannot deceive our God. Hence St. Paul gives us this solemn caution; “Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap: he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption; and he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. Surely, if we will investigate the point with any degree of candour, it will be no difficult matter to ascertain whether we are sowing to the flesh, or to the Spirit — — — Let us deal faithfully then with our own souls; and “judge ourselves, that we may not be judged of the Lord.”]

3. How diligently should we maintain communion with our risen Saviour!

[To walk with him now by faith, is the sure way to be prepared for his future advent. He will now communicate to us of the abundance of his grace: he will shed abroad his love in our hearts: he will manifest himself to us as he does not unto the world. If we belong to him, we may regard him as “our Forerunner, gone before to prepare a place for us,” and coming again shortly to receive us to himself, that where he is, we may be also. The true light in which to view him is, that which is shadowed forth to us by the high-priest going into the holy place to offer incense; whilst the people waited for him without, till he should come forth to bless them [Note: Lucas 1:9; Lucas 1:21.]. Let us then wait and look for him, and he will soon come the second time to our complete, our everlasting salvation [Note: Hebreus 9:28.]

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