Isaías 29:17

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Isaías 29:17. Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?

OUR blessed Lord reproved the Scribes and Pharisees of his day; because when, from particular appearances in the atmosphere, they could judge with considerable accuracy what the state of the weather would be, they could not discern, from the clear evidences before them, that their Messiah was indeed come [Note: Mateus 12:28. with 16:2, 3.]. We will not say that a similar reproof is due to those who see not the near approach of the Millennium now, because the evidences of it are by no means so clear and strong: but I think there is abundant ground for the appeal which the Prophet Isaiah made to the people of his day; “Is it not yet a very little while,” and all the wonderful blessings of the latter day shall overspread the earth?

In confirmation of this sentiment, I will set before you,

I. The event anticipated—

The prediction in my text relates to one great event—
[It is generally supposed to comprehend two events; namely, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the rejection of God’s ancient people. But I feel no doubt but that it relates generally to the conversion of the whole world to Christ; and that its true sense is this: “In a little time the uncultivated forest of the Gentile world shall become a fruitful field; and that which would now be reckoned a fruitful field, namely, the Jewish Church, shall be esteemed as a forest,” so incomparably more abundant shall its fruitfulness be in the latter day.

This accords best with the very words of my text; for it is not said that the fruitful field shall be turned into a forest, (as in the former clause,) but that it “shall be esteemed as a forest;” where the diversity of the words clearly marks the diversity of the sentiment contained in them.

This also well accords with the general strain of prophecy, which abounds in amplification, and, if I may so say, exaggertion. Thus this same prophet, speaking of this same period, says, “Behold, I create new heavens, and a now earth; and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind ….. There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner, being an hundred years old shall be accursed,” i. e. shall be considered as having died under a kind of judicial sentence, by reason of his being removed at so early an age [Note: Isaías 65:17; Isaías 65:20.].

This, too, is most clearly marked in the context [Note: Cite ver. 18, 19.] — — — It is also strongly marked in the context in a following chapter; where the very same words are used, by the same prophet [Note: Cite Isaías 32:15.] — — — And again the very same event, foretold, though not in the same, yet in nearly similar terms, is associated with the very same identical facts, expressive of the blessings which shall then abound over the face of the whole earth [Note: Isaías 35:1; Isaías 35:5. All these passages must be distinctly cited, in order to justify the construction put upon the text, in opposition to Vitringa, Bishop Lowth, &c.] — — —]

In a word; what the prophet here speaks respecting the state of the Church in his day, as compared with that which shall obtain in the latter day, is precisely to the same effect with that which St. Paul speaks respecting the Jewish and the Christian dispensations: “The former had a glory; but the latter far exceeded in glory; so that that which was made glorious had no glory, by reason of the glory that excelled [Note: 2 Coríntios 3:8.].”]

And a most glorious event will this be—
[The whole world, which is like a desolate wilderness, will have the seed of the Gospel cast upon it, and, through the showers of divine grace falling upon it in rich abundance, will bring forth fruit to the praise and glory of our God. We doubt not but that the most savage people upon the face of the earth, who, in point of civilization and knowledge, are at present scarcely superior to the beasts, will, through the preaching of the Gospel, “be turned from darkness unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God.” And where the light of the Gospel has already come, it will shine with incomparably greater splendour; according as it is written, “The light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound [Note: Isaías 30:26.].” In that day, the prophet tells us, “the people shall be all righteous [Note: Isaías 60:21.]:” “holiness to the Lord shall be written upon the very bells of the horses [Note: Zacarias 14:20.],” that are used in agricultural pursuits; and “all the kingdoms of the world shall become the kingdom of the Lord and his Christ [Note: Apocalipse 11:15.].”]

The appeal made to us respecting this blessed period leads me to shew,


The evidence we have of its near approach—

The prophet judged it near in his day—
[So certain and so clear were the views which the prophets had of the events which they were inspired to foretell, that they saw them already accomplished, as it were, before their eyes. “A thousand years were with them but as one day [Note: 2 Pedro 3:8.].” It is now two thousand six hundred years since these events were revealed to the prophet, and yet Jehovah spake of them as if they were already taking place: “Lift up thine eyes round about, and behold: all these gather themselves together, and come to thee. As I live, saith the Lord, thou shalt surely clothe thee with them all as with an ornament, and bind them on thee as a bride doth. Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? And who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone: these, where had they been [Note: Isaías 49:18; Isaías 49:21.]?” So again; “Who are these, that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows [Note: Isaías 60:8.]?” Now then, if the prophet spoke of this period as so near in his day,]

Much more may we consider it as very near at this time—
[And indeed, besides the lapse of so many centuries, we have much additional evidence of its approach. The general scope of prophecy, so far as it designates the period of which our text speaks, points, if I may so say, to this very age in which we live. The one thousand two hundred and sixty years of Daniel are, beyond all doubt, near to their completion: and consequently the reign of Christ on earth, as its universal Monarch, is near to its commencement.

Besides, amongst both Jews and Gentiles there is a general expectation that some great change is at hand, and that God will shortly interpose to bring all nations to such an unity in religious faith and practice as has never yet been seen upon earth.

The efforts which are making throughout the whole Christian world for the accomplishment of this object, by translating the Holy Scriptures into the different languages of the earth, by sending out missionaries also to instruct both Jews and Gentiles, and by instilling into the rising generation the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. These efforts are altogether unprecedented, both in respect of energy and extent; and, whilst they shew that God is with his people to call forth their exertions, they are a pledge to them that their labours shall not be in vain.

The actual commencement of a work of grace in many places, where nothing but darkness reigned till of late, justifies a hope that we already see the dawn of approaching day, and experience somewhat of the drops that precede the shower [Note: The state of the Turkish Empire (Dec. 6, 1827), and of Popery, were further touched upon, as possibly leading to great results in reference both to the Mahomedan and Popish delusions; the destruction of which is to precede the glory of the Latter Day.]


Let us look forward with holy earnestness to this blessed time—

[Did Abraham feel such delight in the prospect of our Saviour’s first advent! and shall not we, with similar emotions, look forward to the period when he shall come in his glory, and establish his kingdom over the face of the whole earth? — — — Even in heaven is this a ground of joy [Note: Apocalipse 12:10.]; and much more should it be to us, who hope, “in a very little while,” to participate in all the blessings which he is coming to bestow.]

2. Let us pray to God to hasten this long-wished-for day—

[We are taught to pray, “Thy kingdom come.” And it is in answer to prayer that “God will pour out his Spirit from on high, to effect that change which is promised in our text. It is by the Holy Spirit alone that this change can be wrought [Note: Isaías 32:15.]: and through his almighty power shall Pentecostal conversions be effected, in every quarter of the globe.]

3. Let every one of us, in our place, endeavour to help it forward—

[God has promised that “seed time and harvest shall never cease,” till the end of the world; but it is by the instrumentality of man that he effects his purposes: so also shall the diffusion of divine knowledge, and the increase of fertility throughout the whole earth, be effected by the instrumentality of man [Note: Mateus 9:38.]. But it is not by ministers only that God will pour out these benefits upon us, but by the agency of all who, in their place and station, endeavour to advance his cause in the world. Even in the Apostle’s days, females had their department of labour, and laboured too with good success, as well as men [Note: Romanos 16:3; Romanos 16:12.]: and at this time, also, there is a call for the exertions of every soul amongst us: and though we have in ourselves no more power or efficiency than rams’ horns, yet will God by us demolish the strong holds of sin and Satan, and establish throughout the world the kingdom of his dear Son.]

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