Jeremias 3:22

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Jeremias 3:22. Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God.

THOUGH the conversion of men is the result of God’s purpose, and solely the effect of his grace, yet it is wrought by rational means. He calls upon them as free agents, and enforces his exhortations with the most cogent motives. By these means he convinces their judgment, and makes them willing to comply with his solicitations. In the preceding context he had determined to effect his purpose by the constraining influence of his grace; nevertheless he does not omit the use of means, but repeats his former invitations with still stronger arguments than before. In this way he produces the change upon the reluctant soul, and makes it thankfully to embrace his proffered mercy.
In discoursing on the words before us, we shall consider,

I. The Lord’s address to the backsliders—

The persons addressed are either mere nominal Christians, or real Christians in a declining state—
[The term “backsliding” refers to an unruly heifer that either will not at all draw in its master’s yoke, or that performs its work unsteadily [Note: Oséias 4:16.]. In the former view, it comprehends all those who in name and profession are his, but in reality are altogether regardless of his will. Alas! How many are there of this description in every place! Who amongst us may not consider the text as addressed to himself in particular? Who has not cast off the yoke of God, and said, like Pharaoh, “I know not the Lord, neither will I obey his voice?” In the latter view, it may describe those who, having begun to serve the Lord, turn back again in some measure to the world and to sin. And where is there a child of God who must not acknowledge himself to have been, at some time, of this number, however diligently he be serving God at this moment? Who can say that he has invariably, from the very first, pursued the path of duty in one uniform tenour of conduct? Who has not often been conscious of secret declensions, and “backslidings of heart?”]

To both these descriptions of people does God address an earnest and impressive exhortation—
[God well knows the danger to which all are exposed when they have turned aside from him. Nor does he “will, in any instance, the death of a sinner, but rather that he should return and live.” Hence, instead of saying, as we might well expect, Depart from me, he invites us to return. He would have us not only to take his yoke upon us, but to draw in it with pleasure and delight. To enforce his exhortation, he adds a most encouraging promise. Well might he threaten us with the dreadful consequences of our transgression, and address himself only to our fears. But he is a God of infinite compassion, and would rather win us by love. Our backslidings have made a deadly wound in our souls, a wound which if not speedily closed, will destroy us for ever. Behold, what astonishing mercy! He promises to heal us: to heal the guilt of our sin by the blood of Jesus, and the power of it by his good Spirit! Such is his gracious declaration to us at this instant; and such is the encouragement which he affords to all who have departed from him.]
Having seen the condescension of God, we can be at no loss to determine,


The effect it should produce upon us—

If we have the smallest spark of ingenuousness within us, his goodness must of necessity produce,

1. A ready compliance with his will—

Such was the effect upon those addressed in the text. And, whenever the word is applied with power to our souls, the same effect will be visible on us. We shall no longer keep at a distance from God, but return to him with our whole hearts. Filled with astonishment at his forbearance towards us, and solicitous to experience the renewed expressions of his favour, we shall say, “Behold we come unto thee.” No pleasures of sin will be suffered to detain us from him. Having “tasted the gall and wormwood of a backslidden state, our souls will have them still in remembrance.” We shall determine with the Church of old, “I will return unto my first husband, for then it was better with me than now [Note: Oséias 2:7.].”

I call then on this whole assembly now to unite as with the voice of one man, saying, “Thou Lord art our God; and we come to thee” according to thy commandment; yea, “behold,” and bear witness to us this day, “We come unto thee; for thou art the Lord our God.”]

2. An unreserved surrender of ourselves to his service—

[The love of Christ has a constraining power, which, if not irresistibly, yet invincibly, impels us to live unto him. Let it once be “shed abroad in our hearts,” and we shall instantly exclaim with rapture, “My Lord, and my God.” “What have I to do any more with idols,” will be the natural effusion of our souls [Note: Oséias 14:8.]. We shall feel a holy indignation at the thought of having so long “provoked the Lord to jealousy;” and shall address him in the language of his repenting people, “Other lords besides thee have had dominion over us, but by thee only will we make mention of thy name [Note: Isaías 26:13.].”]


To those who are deliberately resisting the will of God—

[While casting off the restraints of God’s law, and following the dictates of your own will, you conceive yourselves to be enjoying perfect liberty. But such liberty is the sorest bondage [Note: 2 Pedro 2:19.]. A subjection to sin is a vassalage most abject in its nature, and most fatal in its consequences [Note: Romanos 6:16.]. Would to God that the slaves of sin would reflect a moment what master they are serving, and what wages they are likely to receive! Soon would they then cast off the yoke which their own lusts have imposed, and seek for freedom in the service of their God. Awake, ye deluded sinners, and return to him, whose “yoke is easy, and whose burthen is light.”]

2. To those who, having begun to serve God, are drawing back from him—

[“Who hath bewitched,” who hath infatuated, your depraved hearts? “Hath God been a wilderness to you,” that you are tired of his service [Note: Jeremias 2:5; Jeremias 2:31.]? “Is there indeed no profit in serving him?” We will venture to put the matter to this issue. Are you as happy now in your departure from God, as you were when you were endeavouring to walk with him? Has your return to secret neglects and sinful indulgences been attended with a proportionate increase of peace and comfort? Sure we are, that none can truly affirm this to have been their experience. If your consciences be not altogether seared, your wounds are festering at this instant. Beware then lest God leave you to be “filled with your own ways [Note: Provérbios 14:14.].” That would be the greatest curse that can be inflicted on you. O return immediately to God i and he will heal your backslidings and love you freely [Note: Oséias 14:4.]

3. To those who are maintaining a steadfast walk with God—

[Thrice happy souls! ye are highly favoured of the Lord. Say, Have ye not already the recompence in your own bosoms? Is not his service perfect freedom? Be thankful then to God who enables you so to live, Be fearful of any thing which may “grieve that Holy Spirit, by whom ye are sealed.” Watch against secret backslidings in their very first beginnings. Be more and more diligent in every good word and work. “Be steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; and be assured that your labour shall not be in vain in the Lord.”]

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