Lucas 18:6-8

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Lucas 18:6. And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

THERE is no duty more strongly enforced in Scripture than that of prayer: nor is there any which needs to be more impressed upon the conscience. To those, who have never engaged in this duty with real spirituality of mind, it may appear easy to be performed; but they, who are most earnest in the discharge of it, find many difficulties to combat with. To encourage us to persevere in spite of all those difficulties, our Lord spake the parable before us [Note: ver. 1.].

We shall consider,

What the unjust judge said—

There was a widow labouring under some heavy oppression—
[Sin has universally armed men against their fellow-creatures. The world is full of robbery and oppression of every kind [Note: Salmos 74:20.]; and they who are most defenceless usually suffer the greatest injuries. Every one is ready to take advantage of the fatherless and the widow. It is their comfort, however, that, if they have enemies on earth, they have a friend in heaven [Note: Salmos 68:5.]

She went to a magistrate to redress her grievances—
[The appointment of magistrates is a rich blessing to the community, and they ought to be regarded with much respect and gratitude. We should not indeed be going to law about every trifle. We should rather settle our disputes, if possible, by arbitration; but under the widow’s circumstances, it was right to solicit the magistrate’s interference.]
The judge, for a long season, would pay no attention to her request—
[The judge happened to be of a most abandoned character: he had no fear of the holy, omniscient, almighty God: he did not even regard the good opinion of mankind. Thus he had no rule of conduct but his own caprice or interest. Surely, next to a vicious minister, there can be no greater curse to a neighbourhood than such an abandoned magistrate as this. We have reason to bless God, however, that though such characters are too common, they are rarely to be found among the magistracy. No wonder that such an one was deaf to the cries of equity and compassion.]
At last, however, he acknowledged himself overcome by her importunity—
[He gloried in his contempt of all laws human and divine [Note: ver. 4.]; but he could not bear the constant entreaties of the widow: he was afraid of being “wearied” or even stunned [Note: Ὑπωπιάζῃ με, obtundat me.] with her cries. He therefore, purely to get rid of her interposed on her behalf, and did that for his own ease, which he should have done from a better motive. Thus, alas! he proclaimed his own shame; but declared, in a very striking manner, the efficacy of importunity.]

His speech, impious as it was, may be rendered profitable to our souls:


The improvement suggested by our Lord—

Our Lord makes a twofold application of the subject—

1. In a way of instruction—

We all, in a spiritual view, resemble this helpless widow—
[We are beset with enemies both within and without: our conflicts with indwelling corruption are great and manifold. We have moreover to contend with all the powers of darkness [Note: Efésios 6:12.]; nor have we in ourselves any strength to resist our adversaries [Note: João 15:5.]

But God, the judge of all, will help us if we call upon him—
[God has promised to hear the supplications of his people [Note: Mateus 7:7]: he has declared that he will “cast out none who come to him.” He may indeed for wise reasons delay his answers to prayer: he may “bear so long with us” as to make us think he will not hear; but he will never fail to succour us in the fittest season.]

This may be strongly deduced from the preceding parable—
[The widow was a stranger not at all related to the judge; but we are “God’s elect,” his favoured and “peculiar people.” The unjust judge was not interested in granting her petition; but God’s honour is concerned in relieving the wants of his people [Note: João 14:13.]. We may even address him in the language of holy David [Note: Salmos 74:22.] —. There was little hope of prevailing with such a merciless and unjust judge; but we have to go to a loving, and compassionate Father [Note: Joel 2:13.]. The widow moreover had none to intercede for her; but we have a righteous and all-prevailing advocate [Note: 1 João 2:1.]. She was in danger of irritating the judge by her entreaties; but the more importunate we are, the more God is pleased with us [Note: Provérbios 15:8; Salmos 72:7.]. She, notwithstanding all her difficulties, obtained her request. How much more then shall we, who, in lieu of her difficulties, have such abundant encouragements! Surely this deduction is as consoling as it is plain and obvious, and our Lord, with peculiar earnestness, confirms it [Note: He first appeals to us, and then adds, “I tell you,” &c.]: nor can that be justly deemed tardy, which comes in the fittest season.]

2. In a way of reproof—

There is but little of such importunity to be found; nor is this to be wondered at, since there is so little “faith on the earth”—

[Faith is that principle from whence earnest prayer proceeds. If we believe the declarations of God, we must feel ourselves weak and helpless: if we credit his promises, we shall acknowledge his readiness to help us: and if we believe the reality and importance of eternal things, we shall most earnestly seek help from God; nor shall we be unwilling to wait till he see fit to answer us. But how little is there of such faith in the world! How few are faithful to the convictions of their own conscience! How few maintain this holy constancy and fervour in prayer! How few can be truly called “a people nigh unto God!”]

If Christ should now come to judgment, would he find this faith in us?

[Some live without any acknowledgment of God in prayer: they seem to have forgotten that there will be a day of judgment: others engage statedly in their accustomed round of duties, and satisfy themselves with an unmeaning recital of certain words. There are others also who under the pressure of affliction will cry to God, but are soon weary of a service in which they have no pleasure. Few, very few, it is to be feared, resemble the importunate widow. Few pray, as if they thoroughly believed the efficacy of prayer. If “Christ should now come, would he find faith” in us? He will surely inquire as well respecting our faith, as our works; and if we have not the faith that stimulates us to prayer, he will appoint us our portion with the unbelievers.]


Those who live without prayer—

[Such persons are as devoid of reason as they are of piety. What madness is it to neglect heaven when it may be obtained by such means! And how will such thoughtless sinners ere long bewail their folly! We cannot but address them as the mariners did the sleeping prophet [Note: João 1:6.]—.]

2. Those who pray only in a formal manner—

[Formal services are far from being pleasing and acceptable to God: they tend, for the most part, only to deceive our own souls. God requires us to worship him in spirit and in truth [Note: João 4:23.]. Let us then remember the awful declaration of our Lord [Note: Marcos 7:6.]—.]

3. Those who, after praying for a season, become remiss again—

[See whether it be not the love of earthly things that hath hindered you. If so, repent and do your first works, and turn unto your God [Note: Apocalipse 2:5.]: but perhaps you faint merely through the discouragements you meet with [Note: Salmos 77:7; Provérbios 13:12.]. Let the remembrance of the importunate widow revive your hopes. Justify God, as the Psalmist did in similar circumstances [Note: Salmos 22:2.], and renew your application to him in dependence on his gracious promise [Note: Habacuque 2:3.]

4. Those that have received gracious answers to prayer—

[Let not the goodness of God to you become an occasion of pride. God was not first moved by any worthiness in your petitions; but he stirred you up to ask, because he had before determined to give. If this view of things be humiliating, it also affords much encouragement. Every believing prayer may be considered as a pledge of the blessings asked [Note: Salmos 6:9.]. Adopt therefore the pious resolution of the Psalmist [Note: Salmos 116:2.]—; so shall your prayers terminate in everlasting praises.]

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