Oséias 10:1

Horae Homileticae de Charles Simeon


Oséias 10:1. Israelis an empty vine; he bringeth forth fruit unto himself.

IN order to judge aright of our actions, we must examine the principles from whence they proceed. Ignorant as we are of men’s real motives, we invariably endeavour to discover them even in courts of judicature; and pass sentence, not so much upon their actions, as on their intentions. Nor does any one disapprove of this method of estimating men’s conduct, provided only there be sufficient ground for discovering the real sentiments and wishes of their hearts. Now, if this be a proper mode of judging with respect to each other, we should certainly try our own actions by the same rule; since they will most assuredly be estimated according to this rule in the day when we shall stand before the tribunal of God.
In the words before us, God passes sentence, as it were, on the Israelites, not so much for the form and matter of their services, as for the dispositions they exercised in the performance of them. And, as he does the same with respect to us, it is of importance to ascertain,

I. When we may be said to bring forth fruit to ourselves—

By the law of our creation we should regard nothing but the glory and authority of God. But, through the corruption of our nature, we have cast off God, and exalted self into his throne. We manifest that we do this,

1. When self is the principle of our actions—

[It is but too evident that unregenerate men act in an entire conformity to their own will, without ever considering the will of God. If in any thing they seem to oppose their own will, they do so, not from a regard to his authority, but from some selfish principle of carnal hope or fear. If we would persuade them to any course of conduct, we find that the simple declaration of God’s mind and will has no effect on them whatever; and that we must have recourse to carnal and temporal considerations, if we would succeed with them. Moreover they wish that others also should consult their will, rather than the will of God: and thus they shew not only that they are a god unto themselves, but that they would gladly be a god also to their fellow-creatures; and have their will more respected than the will of God. What can be a proof of bringing forth fruit to themselves, if this be not [Note: Colossenses 2:23.]?]

2. When self is the measure our actions—

[Many are willing to be almost Christians; but few wish to be altogether so. Herod would part with many things; but not with his Herodias. The Young Man would follow Christ at all events. as he thought; but could not be prevailed upon to sell his estate, and give it to the poor [Note: Mateus 19:21.]. Thus, if the attending at the house and table of the Lord, if the abstaining from gross sins, and the exercising of benevolence to the poor will suffice, many will be content to pay the price: but, the renouncing of all sin, and the walking in the narrow path of holiness and self-denial, are too irksome a task: and if they cannot maintain an interest in Christ on lower terms, they determine to part with him. Now what is this, but to make their own ease the measure of their obedience, when they ought to have no other measure than the word of God? whereas the true Christian wishes to “stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”]

3. When self is the end of our actions—

[God’s command is, that “whatever we do, we should do all to the glory of God [Note: 1 Coríntios 10:31.].” But what if we be studying how to advance our own reputation or interest in the world? What if, like Jehu, we be actuated by pride, when we profess to be doing the Lord’s work [Note: Compare 2 Reis 10:30 with Oséias 1:4.]? What if, even in religious duties also, we be seeking to establish our own righteousness, or to gratify only some selfish principle [Note: Zacarias 7:5.]? In all these cases we are justly involved in that censure, “All men seek their own, and not the things that are Jesus Christ’s [Note: Filipenses 2:21.].”]

To shew the evil of such conduct we shall proceed to point out,


In what respects, they who do so resemble an empty vine—

The similes of Scripture, if strained and perverted, are made disgusting; but, if soberly and judiciously illustrated, they are replete with useful instruction. Now, without fear of straining this simile, we may observe, that they, who bring forth fruit to themselves, resemble an empty vine,

1. In its nature—

[A vine is a proper emblem of fruitfulness; but an empty vine, in a country so famous for its vineyards as Palestine, gives one a very strong idea of barrenness. Hence, when God was complaining of his people’s unfruitfulness, he compared them to a vineyard, which, alter the greatest pains and cost bestowed on its culture, brought forth nothing but wild grapes [Note: Isaías 5:4.]. In this view, an empty vine marks the depraved nature of those, who, notwithstanding all the labour with which they have been cultivated, remain “barren and unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord:” who, instead of being “filled with the fruits of righteousness to God’s praise and glory,” can rise no higher than self, nor do one single act that is pleasing and acceptable to God.]

2. In its use—

[A barren vine is the most worthless of all things: other trees may be made useful in some way; but neither root nor branch, nor even the trunk, of a barren vine is good for any thing [Note: Ezequiel 15:2.]. Such worthless creatures are they who bring forth no fruit to God. They may indeed be good members of the community; but, as to all the great ends of their creation, they are of no use whatever: they bring no glory to God; they advance not the spiritual welfare of those around them; they attain not to any measure of the Divine image. There is not any thing in the whole creation that does not answer the ends of its formation better than they. Well does our Lord compare them to “salt, which, when it has lost its savour, is unfit even for the dunghill [Note: Lucas 14:35.].”]

3. In its end—

[Our Lord has told us what will be the end of a barren vine [Note: João 15:6.]. And shall not such also be the end of those who live to themselves rather than to God? Let our Lord determine this point also [Note: Mateus 25:30.]: and let “the unprofitable servant” not think himself secure on account of his freedom from gross sins: but remember that the best actions are to no purpose, if not wrought from a principle of love to God [Note: 1 Coríntios 13:1.]


Those who resemble an empty vine—

[The culture bestowed on you is worse than in vain, since it greatly aggravates your guilt. Guard then against self-deceit: and devote yourselves in body, soul, and spirit, unto God. Above all, seek to be united unto Christ by faith: for it is only by virtue derived from Christ, that you can ever bring forth fruit unto God [Note: Romanos 7:4.João 15:4.]

2. Those who may rather be compared to fruitful vines—

[Occasional mixtures of self are no just ground to question our state before God: for there is much remaining weakness in the best. Nevertheless you must watch and pray against that base principle, and judge of your attainments by the degree in which self is mortified, and God exalted in your hearts.]

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1 Reis 14:23; 2 Coríntios 5:16; Ezequiel 15:1; Oséias 12:11; Oséia