ὑμεῖς δέ ἐστε σῶμα Χριστοῦ. We here return to the proposition of 1 Corintios 12:12-13, rendered more definite and intelligible by what has since been said. The Apostle now says (1) that collectively, Christians are the body of Christ, individually they are His members; (2) that of these members each has its several office (1 Corintios 12:28); and (3) that none of these offices is common to the whole Christian body, but each belongs only to those to whom it has been assigned (1 Corintios 12:29-30).

‘Est universa ecclesia nihil aliud nisi organum et instrumentum Dei Spiritus, uti corpus animae suae; quam ecclesiam cogit in unum, vivificat et perficit Spiritus, ut in ea suas vires exerceat.’ Colet.

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Antiguo Testamento