La gran ofensa de Israel haciendo un cisma en la comunidad "teocrática". La creación de ídolos era virtualmente una rebelión contra Jehová; dijera lo que dijera Ahías ( 1 Reyes 11:31 , &c.), o una clase inferior de profetas después de él (comp. Amós 7:12-13 ), los grandes profetas, como Oseas, no pudieron sancionar a ninguna de las dinastías N. israelitas (ver com. Oseas 1:11 : 11 ). Véase la nota siguiente.

not by me Rather, not from me. There is a verbal contradiction between these words and those ascribed to Shemaiah in 2 Kings 12:24. A prophet could only declare the will of God with regard to the particular case laid before him. The disunion of north and south was so great, that for the sake of peace it was better to separate. But when the moral and spiritual decay of N. Israel had reached such a point as in the time of Hosea, no prophet with any spiritual insight could fail to perceive that the usurping kings lacked the divine blessing.

that they may be cut off The verb is in the singular, and the implied subject is the silver and gold which had been made into idols.

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